As humanity endeavored to better themselves, they created the biological marvel known as Gears. Originally intended as the next step of human evolution, they were instead fitted for war and turned against their own creators.
Courtesy of Arc System Works themselves, the epitome of the Guilty Gear XX series is now available on PC for the first time ever!
ArcSys fans have been showing their support ever since [i]Guilty Gear Isuka[/i] crept onto Steam early last year, and their requests for new ports haven't fallen on deaf ears. In fact, [URL=]+R may only be the beginning...[/URL]
ArcSys has assembled a new team dedicating themselves to all things Steam, and their community manager has been very active on [URL=]+R's discussion hub[/URL]. If you decide to pick up +R yourself, tell him how you feel about the port! Ask questions! You'll get answers.
Most importantly, enjoy yourselves! :faust:
[i](As a final note for completionists, Guilty Gear X2 #Reload will be 50% off until June 1st.)[/i]