Guidelines for Game streaming and Fanfic

The Little Witch and The Lost Memories

The Little Witch and The Lost Memories is an exploration-based adventure game set in the dreams of a girl who has lost her memories. The game's story unfolds as she uncovers various secrets while exploring her dream world.

Guidelines for Livestreaming and Fanfic of "The Little Witch and The Lost Memories" [h1]Game Streaming Guidelines[/h1] [h2]Introduction[/h2] We're thrilled that you're playing our games and want to stream or post videos about them. By following these guidelines, we hope you'll be able to share amazing experiences with your viewers. [h2]Requests for Live Streaming and Video Posting[/h2] Please check the following when doing live streams or posting videos: [h3]Who Can Stream or Post Videos[/h3] Anyone, whether a company or an individual, can use our studio's games for live streaming or video posts. [h3]About Making Money[/h3] You can earn money from live streams or videos using our studio's games, but please remember to include a link to the Steam store page. [h3]How to Include the Steam Store URL[/h3] For platforms with a description box (like YouTube): Put the Steam store URL in the description. For platforms without a description box (like Twitch): Pin the store URL in the comments. [h3]Stream Title[/h3] Always include "Spoilers Ahead" in your stream title. [h2]Prohibited Actions[/h2] [h3]Audio-Only Posts[/h3] Posting isolated audio content (voices, music, sound effects) from our games is not permitted. [h3]Illegal or Inappropriate Content[/h3] Using our game content to create posts that violate laws or social norms is prohibited. [h3]Privacy Violations and Defamation[/h3] Do not use our game content to invade privacy or defame others, including our studio. [h3]Cheating and Exploitation[/h3] Posts featuring gameplay using cheats, unauthorized access, modifications, or other prohibited methods are not allowed. [h3]Intellectual Property Infringement[/h3] Do not use our game content in ways that infringe upon third-party intellectual property rights. [h3]Violent or Discriminatory Content[/h3] Posts containing violent, discriminatory, or hate speech content using our game material are prohibited. [h3]Unrelated Advertising[/h3] Using our game content to promote unrelated products or services is not allowed. [h3]Non-Gameplay Commercial Use[/h3] Commercial use of game footage or content unrelated to gameplay demonstration is prohibited. [h3]Misinformation[/h3] Spreading false or misleading information about our games or studio is not permitted. [h1]Studio Asahi Fanfic Guidelines[/h1] We're truly grateful to all the fans who love Studio Asahi's works. To support your creative activities and ensure everyone has a great time with fanfiction, we've put together some guidelines. Please take a moment to look them over before you start creating. [h2]Hashtags[/h2] For posts related to "The Little Witch and The Lost Memories," please use the hashtag #LaoiseKawaii. [h2]Prohibited Content[/h2] We kindly ask that you don't include the following in your fanfic: - Content that damages the world view of Studio Asahi's works - Violent or grotesque content, or sensitive content that includes sexual depictions - Content that strongly pushes political, religious, or ideological views - Anything that could upset or harm others - Content that infringes on the rights of third parties - Content that includes spoilers of key story elements [h2]Commercial Use[/h2] The creation of fanfiction is only permitted if it is not intended for commercial purposes. However, we allow commercialized fanfiction under the following conditions: - The creator must have played the game - The work is digital (e.g., creating illustrations upon request) - You use our official hashtag when sharing We encourage you to follow these guidelines and enjoy making your fanfic with peace of mind. Happy creating!