2024/08/09 Update v1.0.4

The Little Witch and The Lost Memories

The Little Witch and The Lost Memories is an exploration-based adventure game set in the dreams of a girl who has lost her memories. The game's story unfolds as she uncovers various secrets while exploring her dream world.

[b]v1.0.4[/b] Bug Fixes [list] [*] Fixed an issue where the volume was set to 0 when starting a new game. [/list] Conversations added or modified [list] [*] dded a few guide conversations with the guide character in areas where players often encounter difficulties. [*] Corrected typos and dialogue errors in Japanese. [/list] In this week's update, we've added a few guide conversations with the guide character in areas where players often encounter difficulties. We plan to continue adding more of these in the future. Please note that our team will be on summer vacation next week, so the next update is scheduled for the week after. Additionally, we will soon be sharing some exciting new developments in the world of "Little Witch." Please stay tuned!