Grand re-opening!

Super Mini Mart

Super Mini Mart is your 100% fresh, 100% chill round-the-corner supermarket sim. Stock, supervise, manage and get to know your colorful clientele-to-be in this sweet, stress-free management game!

Greetings Super Community! It’s been quiet here at the Mart for a while, and we wanted to update you on the game's status and share some exciting future plans. BTW a huge thank you to those who’ve been reaching out to us and are eager to play. [h2]Where we are now:[/h2] While the core of the game is solid and feedback from testers has been positive, development has slowed due to some real-life challenges with the team. We hope that you haven’t experienced this, but sometimes life provides personal hurdles that can affect mental health and wellness. It’s important to our team and our Publisher that we take care of ourselves first as people and then as content creators and developers. We’ve taken some time away to address these and are now back to work on a regular schedule. We know our silence may have been concerning and we’re working on making sure you’re aware of what’s happening going forward. Thanks for the support and patience as we resume updates and social content. Ironically, the tester feedback we’re getting is that the current iteration of the game is super relaxing and anxiety-reducing. We hope this is the case and are seeking more Alpha testers and assessments. If you struggle with anxiety and depression and would be open to playing or just want to help us create an amazing experience, please fill out the tester form [url=]HERE. [/url] [h2]Where we’re going:[/h2] As the core elements come together, we’ve now begun adding some additional game design tracks to deepen and enrich the gameplay and give you even more fun things to do when running your small business. More on this gameplay loop in later updates. On the store front, the aesthetic customization system is becoming robust and the employee hiring options are being tweaked. After all, a large Mart needs more hands! Bugs are being addressed for shopper collisions (in-store, we can’t control what they do in the parking lot) and other gameplay blockers are being removed. Things are moving forward. [h2]What you can do to help:[/h2] Thanks for the concern and care. We’re really looking forward to sharing more game progress with you. -Wishlisting is the single best thing you can do to share a thumbs-up for our work. Please click that button! -[url=]Join Team Awesome[/url] - If you want to be an Alpha tester, please fill out this form. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42431014/1e5e9d6df2739af233ec79b9e418117a394ddcf5.png[/img] -We’d love it if you chat on [url=]DISCORD [/url] to stay updated on the small items and connect to the community. We’ll be sure to post our next big update here on Steam to share more. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42431014/4347052e15def60fbac5f6a46ffd185bd6df2f02.png[/img]