🛒 Super Mini Mart is getting ready for business!

Super Mini Mart

Super Mini Mart is your 100% fresh, 100% chill round-the-corner supermarket sim. Stock, supervise, manage and get to know your colorful clientele-to-be in this sweet, stress-free management game!

Hi there!  We’re very excited to announce that our super mini business plan is right on track and that we’re hard at work crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s for our mini marts’ grand opening! Just take a look at our cozy little [b]Reveal Trailer[/b] below: [previewyoutube=Qrhz9ZHyHM8;full][/previewyoutube] As some of you may already know, [b]Super Mini Mart[/b] isn’t your run-of-the-mill management game. Our approach is more wholesome than hectic, with plenty of tasks to fill your work day, but also enough downtime to smell the roses and get to know your charming clientele!  Here’s a short recap on some of our store’s most sought-after goodies:  [list] [*]A vibrant yet laid-back world, with lots of pleasant things to do and charming people to meet  [*]A mini-universe densely populated with unique characters, each with their own quirks and shopping habits  [*]A myriad of shop items with unique requirements and mechanics [*]Gameplay relying on natural interactions and intuitive controls, set in a highly interactive world  [*]Charming 3D aesthetic with the option to turn pixel shading on or off for your shopping convenience [/list] That’s about it for today’s announcement, but before we conclude, we’d like to remind you all to [b]wishlist[/b] [b]Super Mini Mart[/b] on Steam if you like how things are going - this is such a help for us indie devs! And if you'd like to chat with us, you can [url=https://discord.gg/superminimart][b]join us on Discord[/b][/url] and get to see what happens behind the scenes. We’ll be back soon with more updates. Thank you and have a great day!