Grab ace heist game Monaco for free today

Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine

Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine is a single player or co-op heist game. Assemble a crack team of thieves, case the joint, and pull off the perfect heist.

Team, we have six hours to pull this job. Gav, you’re running interference. Bev, you hack the cameras. Kev, you blow the door. Maeve, you’re on the safe. If we do this right, we’ll all saunter out of here in slow-motion carrying black holdalls filled with free copies of wonderful heist game Monaco: What’s Yours Is Mine [official site] as our theme song blares and, just behind us, rozzers rush in to find the safe empty. But we’ve only got until 6pm today (10am Pacific). At 6, the alarm goes off, the security gates slam down, the floor is electrified, the dogs are unleashed, and we’ll have to pay if we fancy a play. (more…)