Fight, sneak, and hack your way through randomly generated cities. It's like Nuclear Throne meets Deus Ex, mixed with the anarchy of GTA. Rogue-lite meets immersive sim, and goes completely insane.
[h1][b]Hi all![/b][/h1]
The “Go Rogue!” Community Contest has come to an end. I'm completely blown away (and frankly, frightened by) the number of submissions. You folks left over 1100 comments on Steam ([url=]Streets of Rogue 1 Announcement[/url], [url=]Streets of Rogues 2 Announcement[/url]). On [url=]Discord[/url]... Well, it's difficult to count the number of posts in the contest channel, but it's definitely more than a thousand. I'm not sure how I will manage reading through 2+ thousand comments. I suppose I’d better get reading!
A big thanks to each and every one of you for participating! The winner(s) will be announced soon-ish, depending on how quickly I can get through everything. Just keep an eye on the news!
[h3][b]Be sure to wishlist [i][b]Streets of Rogue 2[/b][/i]:[/b][/h3]