Game Updated and MOD Guides Added

Hello everyone! During this period of time, there have been some noteworthy updates in the game, as follows: --text updates: 1.Adjusted some English word errors (thanks to a helpful foreign player from our community!) 2.Fixed the issue where power displayed on star panel incorrectly in certain situations. 3.Fixed the issue where power value displayed off screen in certain situations. 4.Added description to overwatch that teleporting igonres the overwatch effect. 5.Fixed the issue where the description of the Flame Leakage buff was missing. 6.Fixed the issue where the description of the wish of ring flame card was incorrect. --bugs fixed: 7.Fixed a bug that caused the panel to misalign when playing Chapter 1 without playing the prologue. 8.Fixed a bug where Reverberate did not respond to the healing effect of the Intelligent Wavegun technology. --balances: 9.Slightly reduced the values of the rapture series cards, from +3/+7/+11 to +2/+4/+6. 10.The price of all Protocol cards in the black market has been halved. Hurry up and buy them now!! 11.The price of the copy card function in the black market has been adjusted to a minimum of 100 alloys, doubling each time. 12.Slightly reduced the frequency of the Hold on for 6 Turns stage appearing. 13.and more... --mod guides: 14.Two new mod guides (in Chinese) has been added to the game launcher. PS:The major version update is still in progress. Please wait for further announcements for specific timing. Stay tuned!!