Game Update V1.24

Medal of Honor™: Above and Beyond

Take the fight to war-torn Europe in Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond. The franchise returns to its roots complete with a deep single-player campaign and powerful interviews with survivors and veterans of the Second World War. (VR Title)

Hello there! Update v1.24 This is the third update to Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond. Thank you again to everyone for their feedback and suggestions. New Options to Hide Your Torso and Cuffs [list] [*] You can now choose to hide the in-game representations of your torso, your sleeve cuffs, or both. [*] Under Options, choose the “Gameplay” section, and set “Body Visibility” or “Cuff Visibility” to “Disabled.” [/list] New Full-View Sniper Scopes [list] [*] Added an option to render the sniper view directly in the scope. [*] To enable, go to Options, choose the “Gameplay” section, and set “Scope Type” to “Realistic.” [*] Added a new “Scope Resolution” option. Bumping this down can improve performance on some systems. [/list] Sniper Rifle Zoom Button [list] [*] The button to adjust zoom levels on sniper rifles is now assigned to whichever hand is dominant, instead of always being set to the right hand. (Vive controllers keep the button on the right hand.) [*] Tip: this button also adjusts the firing rate on the M1918 automatic rifle when equipped. [/list] Multiplayer “Quick Match” Playlist Now Cycles All Maps and Modes [list] [*] Choosing “Quick Match” now cycles between maps AND modes. [*] Without leaving your session you could play Team Deathmatch in the Sub Pen, Domination in Streets of Dubuisson, then Mad Bomber in the Rockets of Peenemünde. [/list] Oculus Native Mode Support On Steam [list] [*] When launching the game through Steam, Oculus users now have the option to launch directly to the Oculus native environment. [/list] Lower Min-Spec NVIDIA GTX 1080 [list] [*] The recommended spec stays the same. [*] However, with the expanded video options and optimizations from the last patch, plus feedback from the player community, the min spec has been lowered to an NVIDIA GTX 1080 or equivalent. [/list] Other Changes and Additions: [list] [*] Smoother fade-in when returning to the OSS hub from a level. [*] Objectives now show on the user’s left wrist when the left hand is set as dominant. [*] New floating label for the Live Fire Gauntlet doors in the Quartermaster area. (Check these play areas out for some classic Respawn gauntlet challenges.) [*] Fixed some grab issues with the MG42 and M1918 mounted weapons. [*] Fixed issue where enabling Seated Mode in certain conditions could leave the player’s view high off the ground. [*] Fixed grab guide visuals being offset for the right hand when using HTC Vive wand controllers. [*] On the OSS Room typewriter, type "Open Sesame" and hit the carriage return to unlock a chest of Respawn Easter Eggs. [*] Additional under the hood fixes and optimizations. [/list] Thank you again for all your feedback!