GAME UPDATE: New Game Mode!

Galaxy in Turmoil

Galaxy in Turmoil's conceptual Early Access game is a FREE multiplayer combined-arms game set in a brand-new universe, created by a team of volunteers. It’s all about endless arms races, corporate espionage, and, most of all, blasting up on the enemy faction and taking their stuff.

Hello GiT Community! For starters, I wanted to thank you all for checking out the early access release. While I know that there have been mixed reviews on what we have done so far, I still want to express the entire team's appreciation for each and every review, positive or negative. The positive reviews help us keep chugging along. The negative ones help us see what needs to be corrected. For those of you who have left negative review, I promise that we are reading each review, and that we're doing everything we can to turn the negative reviews into positive ones. Before I go into the update, I invite you all to join us on Discord. You can jump into the discussion with the entire community and the development team, and get your opinions heard to help us out with the development of GiT! Discord: With that being said, our first major update is now live! This update includes a new game mode, [u][b]Domination[/b][/u]. It's a capture the control point style game mode. Read on for details about the game mode. [img][/img] [h2][b]What is DOMINATION?[/b][/h2] In Domination, opposing factions compete for control of the area. By capturing Control Posts on the map, players boost their team’s total capture score and open up additional team spawn locations for further conquest. The longer a team holds a Control Post, the more points it earns. Victory goes to the team that first reaches the target points threshold. [i][b]This update also includes two vehicles: A hover bike and a (wip) tank. Friendly note: The tank requires two people! A driver and a gunner. The gunner can access the turret from the back of the tank![/b][/i] Everything you need to know about the game mode, and how to play is currently found in two spots: 1. The loadout screen gives you a breakdown of objectives on the right 2. When you approach healing stations, ammo stations or the capture point, a tool tip will show in the top right of the screen (See the above gif for reference) ------------ While there are bots on the server, we are aware of a bug where they can get a bit janky and sit in the spawn for a bit. However if they get attacked/killed, they resume operating as normal. We're looking into a quick patch for this in the coming days. However until then, you can still play with your friends! Likewise in the coming days we'll be releasing public leaderboards! So get in game and start learning the functions and controls so you can make it to the top 50! In closing, I know people have expectations for ground to space. We do have it, and we plan to drip release it, along with new maps very soon. [i][b]See you in game and on Discord! <3 Fergie & The Dev Team[/b][/i]