Game update 1.1.0

Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

Hardcore turn based tank combat (PVP), mixed with battle arena (MOBA) elements.

[b]Hey Guys![/b] Good news! We have prepared the update. This update will greatly improve your battle experience, because since now the game has ... [b]Battle chat![/b] We received many requests to add it into the game. So we did it - have fun! Your messages will be visible to your team only. And don't forget about the time when you write a message to your team mates. [b]New battle modifications[/b] [list][*]Improved armor: increases total amount of armor (+10% from the maximal value). [*]Improved sight: increases attack range (+3 pts)[/list] [b]Balance improvements[/b] [list][*]We have prepared a couple of measures to improve the overall battle balance. [*]Light rockets: the price has been increased by 20 battle coins(from 80 to 100). It was made to prevent too easy opponent detection in some situations. [*]Hitting series: bonuses for the hitting series were disabled. It was made to lower the opponent destruction dynamics in some situations. [*]Base capture: each base capture point will give a capturing unit 20 battle coins. If someone captures 5 points per turn, he will get 100 battle coins per turn. [*]Battle modification Improved Shells: damage bonus has been changed from 10% to 3 points. It was made to make this modification more valuable for light and middle tanks. [*]Skill Repairer: improved the effectiveness of 1st level (from 5 to 8) and 2nd level (from 10 to 15) [*]Skill Regeneration: improved the effectiveness of 1st level (from 3% to 5%) and 2nd level (from 7% to 10%) [*]Ho-Ni: -8 pts. of armor.[/list] [b]Bug fixes[/b] [list][*]Changed the battle coins icon. [*]Fixed several issues regarding platoon.[/list] In the next update we plan to deploy a new map and a new tank! Good luck in battles!