Comming update

Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

Hardcore turn based tank combat (PVP), mixed with battle arena (MOBA) elements.

Hey guys! We know, we didn't say much about the update we're making for F&D last time. We decided to fix that. Right now we're working on adding a set of new abilities to the tanks. Each tank will have a new special ability. Those abilities will work for each tank on the battlefield, even after its destruction. We decided to give more powerful abilities to the lower tier tanks, to increase their value for players (no, we don't plan to revise the prices). This should make the new players more welcome in teams. We are trying to make this new feature both easy to understand and easy to use (all of them are passive). However, this addition will make the whole game more interesting and hardcore. The abilities should change the game dramatically as each tank will give a significantly different playing experience. Also platoon games will step into the new age, as this allows players to choose the tanks (i.e. abilities) manually, to make the most powerful combinations of the abbilities. Thank you for your patience. Have a good game!