We've been developing, and here's what's new.
[b]New Implementations[/b]
[*] Added a "News" prompt to the Character Selection screen. When you log in, you will, thus, be presented with a list of previously unread announcement posts. May need some arting, but works for now. Note that it will not show anything this first time you log in, as all old threads are considered read.
[*] Added automatic propagation of wound treatments. Wounds will now dynamically and programatically list their treatments, and, inversely, medicines will likewise present the wounds they can treat. This saves us the trouble of manually maintaining wound treatment documentation, and guarantees more accurate, easily propagated, and properly maintained lists. Made some effort to clean out the old, manual texts, but may have missed some.[/list]
[b]Key Fixes[/b]
[*] Dropped, as announced for a few years or whatever now, support for the old pre-render-rework game resources. Yay!
[*] "Catapult"s can now only destroy ships and other siege engines.
[*] Ranges for "Archery Tower"s and "Catapult"s are no longer randomized, but rather fixed to their medium ranges (~20 tiles for "Catapult"s, and ~18 tiles for "Archery Tower"s)
[*] Reworked ingame transfers of account-bound items (e.g. Store hats)
[*] Account-bound items (mostly store hats) can now be handled and worn by characters not on the account the item is bound to. Naturally, they can still be recalled by the owner at any time, even if, for example, the handling character is offline.
[*] Account-bound items are no longer transferred to other accounts by right-clicking a character to give them to. Rather, the owner can right-click the item to initiate a transfer. 24 RL hours later, any character who is in physical possession of the item at that time can right-click it to actually claim ownership of it. "Physical possession", here, means having it on their actual character (ie. in the character inventory, or equipped), as opposed to it eg. lying in a container.
[*] Once the 24 RL hours have passed, the item will be ready to accept new ownership indefinitely. This status can be canceled by the owner by recalling the hat from the Hearth Fire. Contrariwise, if you have hats that you know you want to trade with, you can put them in such "tradeable status" well in advance.
[*] The main intention with this change is to prevent sudden, unintended or forced hat transfers. It is probably unsound that wearing a store-hat is as wearing a bullseye.[/list][/list]
[b]Small Fixes[/b]
[*] A member leaving a village no longer costs the village any authority.[/list]
As always, if you liked what we did here: Support the patch.
Today's Patch Item, for the fair price of $7 is the "Caiman Cap".
[quote="Store Description"][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45223854/0438b2faff34883f59822d3748b0850df902273a.png[/img][b]$7[/b]Lying in wait in dark waters for passing prey, with sharp, glistening teeth.[/quote]
All Silver & Gold subscribers have been awarded the "Caiman Cap", free of charge.
[b]In the Pipe[/b]
[*] The year got off to a pretty rough start on account of (both of us) having been (quite) ill. Back in the saddles now, and hoping to deliver meatier things down the line!
[*] Some of the changes here could be controversial. Happy to take input on most anything!
[*] Our primary development direction is toward object-controlled-objects.
[*] Time to... [url=https://www.facebook.com/havenandhearth]like us on Facebook[/url]?
[*] Time to... [url=https://twitter.com/Haven_n_Hearth]follow us on Twitter[/url]?[/list]