Full Resolution Art Package

Desecration of Wings

The Endless Court is eternal, ruled by Immortals who have guided the four races of the world since the dawn of time. But they seem very concerned with preventing anyone from studying the broken ruins that litter the world, and peace is more fragile than it seems.

I'm glad that there are still some people playing and enjoying this game! One of the main requests I hear from people is that they'd like to be able to buy the scenes at their full resolution, instead of just seeing them in the game window. So I've taken some time to put together an art package with all the scenes at high resolution, the full character profiles, and a few other goodies. I was originally looking to sell it as DLC on Steam, but that proved to be trickier than expected. Instead I'm making it available DRM-free via my Patreon page. If you were a $10 backer in the past, or make a $10 donation now, you can automatically download the whole image pack here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/25279280 It's ~260mb and 100 images of DoW goodness. ^-^ I know not everyone will be interested, but for those of you who have been asking for this, here you go!