1.0.3 + Trending!

Desecration of Wings

The Endless Court is eternal, ruled by Immortals who have guided the four races of the world since the dawn of time. But they seem very concerned with preventing anyone from studying the broken ruins that litter the world, and peace is more fragile than it seems.

The game has been trending on Steam for some regions, and we've received a huge amount of feedback. We're glad that so many people are enjoying the game! Though there have been fewer bug reports than expected, we recently put out version 1.0.3. This fixes a few minor bugs and one that unfortunately prevented some players from being able to pass the Dark Ruins. Depending on how stuck you were, you may need to uninstall the game first - see the forums for instructions and help. For most players, this should make no difference, but hopefully it will be a quality of life improvement for a few. I hope everyone keeps enjoying the game! ^-^