Full release in 1 week! (April 19)

Copy Kitty

Boki can copy the special abilities of any foe and then combine up to 3 of them into a unique super-weapon! Blast through hordes of evil robots in cyberspace, while training to become a superhero!

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25638256/ba5c80cf006908a82a5470cf5a9c9a8227b7ca76.png[/img] It's almost here! Here's all the stuff compared to Early Access:[list] [*]World 12! It's really cool! [*]Many, many changes and refinements to earlier worlds, including some new midbosses [*]Lots of upgrades for Boki's weapons, especially Tornado combos [*]A bunch of new music tracks [*]There's some square watermelons in world 2 that you can smash [/list] The release is on [b]April 19[/b], so get ready!