Full Metal Mode – free update coming 7th Dec!


Set in a far corner of space, Valfaris is a heavy metal infused 2D action-platformer and the next game from the team behind Unity Awards finalist, Slain: Back From Hell. Brutal combat. Deadly enemies. Stunning pixel art. Savage soundtrack. Get ready to rip the galaxy a new wormhole.

If you've completed Valfaris and are looking for a new challenge – good news! – we're rolling out Full Metal Mode as a free update next Saturday, 7th December. Not for the faint-hearted, Full Metal Mode is essentially a New Game+ that turns the deadly up to MAX by remixing various aspects of gameplay. The new mode will unlock after completing the game, so if you've already got a 'Clear Game' save file, you'll be able to jump into Full Metal Mode as soon as the update's been installed. Here's a rundown of features: [list] [*] All weapons, upgrades, and upgrade items carry over between runs [*] Enemies have increased health, attack, and aggression [*] Bosses receive the same buffs - with additional attack patterns [*] Therion takes more damage [*] New Destroyer Class Weapon [*] New Achievement for defeating Full Metal Mode [/list] While a lot of the changes are behind-the-scenes, there are several noticeable differences to certain sections/encounters. For example, the Hell Cobra mini-boss in the Eco-Dome has an additional attack. Whenever the biomechanical snake descends into or emerges from its toxic swamp, it sends out a wave of deadly gas: [img]https://i.imgur.com/mv5ChQw.gif[/img] In addition to his flaming hammers attack, Cathedral boss Furrok can also shoot fireballs that bounce around the arena: [img]https://i.imgur.com/809IN12.gif[/img] And the gnashing worms in The Tombs spit out projectiles when they burst from the sand: [img]https://i.imgur.com/xs7RELO.gif[/img] You'll also get a new Destroyer class weapon to play/kill with. It's called Vroll's First and is the weapon used by big boss Kyvok. It's pretty devastating. Here's what it looks like in action: [img]https://i.imgur.com/kr1fs0X.gif[/img] That's a quick sneak-peek at Full Metal Mode. It launches next Saturday, 7th December. Don't miss it! And, while you're here, a reminder that the Steam Award nominations have opened and we'd love Valfaris to be included with the final nominees. So if you agree that Valfaris is worthy, please do vote for us in the 'Outstanding Visual Style' category. More details in [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/valfaris/announcements/detail/1715238555471155990]this previous post[/url]. Keep it metal! Matt | Big Sugar https://store.steampowered.com/app/600130/Valfaris/