'Deleted Scenes' – see what didn’t make the finished game!


Set in a far corner of space, Valfaris is a heavy metal infused 2D action-platformer and the next game from the team behind Unity Awards finalist, Slain: Back From Hell. Brutal combat. Deadly enemies. Stunning pixel art. Savage soundtrack. Get ready to rip the galaxy a new wormhole.

Thought it would be cool to share some of the bosses, enemies, and scenes that didn’t quite make it into the final version of Valfaris for one reason or another. Enjoy! [h2]VALFARIS SCHEMATICS[/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ne34Er2.gif[/img] [i]I’m not 100% sure if this scene of Therion studying a plan of Valfaris on board the Wolfship was created for one of the game’s trailers or as part of an ending cinematic. Either way, it didn’t make the cut. [/i] [h2]DRONE MASTER[/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/15YAPQL.gif[/img] [i]This pincer-fisted menace was one of the first of Valfaris' enemies ever shown – we used this teaser GIF in 2017 before Valfaris had been announced. Given the title of ‘Drone Master’ by the team, this was its one and only public appearance as it was snipped before it shipped![/i] [h2]UNUSED INTRO SCENE[/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/daSsgji.gif[/img] [i]This cinematic scene was going to be Therion’s dramatic entrance as part of the E3 2017 announcement trailer. Unfortunately, we ran out of time and had to go with a scaled back version of the promo vid. [url=https://youtu.be/Ujh_4MWCrl0]It wasn’t, erm, very good[/url].[/i] [h2]FIRE PRIEST[/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/AjUyz6J.gif[/img] [i]With its trident and mysterious glowing hump, this unused Fire Keeper enemy – seen here guarding a jelly spawning tank – looks a lot like a slimline version of the corpulent Tomb Keepers.[/i] [h2]POWER CHAMBERS BOSS[/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/L1g37md.gif[/img] [i]Known as the ‘Biomech Jelly Boss’, this drooling flesh machine with its blood-tipped tendrils was intended to be embedded somewhere deep in the Power Chambers.[/i] If you enjoyed these 'deleted scenes', feel free to hit the 'Rate Up' button below. If it gets a decent amount of thumb-ups I'll have another snoop through the Valfaris vaults and see what else I can find that didn't make the cut. And if you're after more of a behind-the-scenes look and deeper dive into Valfaris, the Digital Art Book could be right up your street: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1166721/Valfaris__Digital_Art_Book/ Oh, and some news for any console players who happen to be hanging about in these here parts – Full Metal Mode is now available for the PS4, Switch, and Xbox One versions of Valfaris! Matt | Big Sugar