Free to play Update!

[h2][b]New Knife Fire System[/b][/h2] The fire system has been overhauled. The knife movement has been smoothed on clients. Prior to this update the knife would jitter considerably on clients but now it's buttery smooth. [h2][b]General Changes[/b][/h2] [list] [*]Removed mini map. People weren't really using it and it felt weird and out of place. If there's demand I'll work it and see about re adding it. [*]A draw condition. Draws were very unlikely but they did happen. Now a draw results in an actual draw condition. Prior it would give the win to blue team since they were first to get checked in the win check functions. [*]Rotation speed scalar removed while charging. Prior your rotation speed would scale with however long you were charging your shot for. Now it's a set value immediately after starting the charge. [*]Did a lot of network optimizations, in general gameplay should be smoother. [*]Updated translations [*]Max fire range has been reduced by 30%. It was far too easy to camp double point zones and snipe people as they were approaching. [*]Decreased the distance at which you could pickup your knife. [*]Pressing escape will now clear all HUD elements and rebuild necessary ones. [/list] [h2][b]Bot Changes/Fixes[/b][/h2] [list] [*]Bots are generally far more aggressive. [*]Bots will now have a 50/50 chance to target players who have popped their balloons. [*]Bots will now retrieve their knife before returning to spawn. [*]Bots now have a 1 in 3 chance of continuing to chase players once they (the player) leaves the double point zone. [*]Bots now have a 1 in 3 chance of continuing to chase players after their (the bots) balloon has been popped [*]Fixed a bug that could cause a bot to switch between going to spawn and the double point zone in rapid succession. [/list] [h2][b]Some New Sounds[/b][/h2] [list] [*]A knife pickup sound. [*]A knife swoosh sound as it flys passed the player. [/list] [h2][b]Fixes[/b][/h2] [list] [*]Fixed a scoring bug that could cause a team to gain extra points if there were too many bots on the opposite team. [*]Fixed a bug that could cause a fired knife to fall through the ground.... Mostly. [*]Fixed a bug that could cause a knife to not despawn after pickup. [*]Fixed the warning beeps if a player doesn't have a balloon after 70 seconds. The sound will now destroy itself properly and will now stop if a player obtains a balloon during the sound. [*]Made all clients display whether they have a knife or not more consistent. [*]Fixed jump pads causing some FPS drop. [*]Fixed a bug that could cause joining clients to not get a gameplay UI. [/list] Thanks again for all your support! For those of you who bought the game check your knives for a special skin. Thank you! -Leland <3