Fortune Season 1 arrives June 22!

Fortune: Rewritten

Fortune: Rewritten is a PvP experience! Battle in head-to-head combat where only one can be the winner!

[h3][b]THE GAME HAS CHANGED, COMBATANTS![/b][/h3] Hello everyone! It's been awhile since we've released any news regarding the game, [i]especially since we promised that Update 1.5.0 would coming in April, which didn't happen, ahem.[/i] But nonetheless we've returned after much work and we'd like to show what has taken us so long! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42960228/0ccf6fe0e82eda4fc97571fe33bd308da5a44487.png[/img] [h3][b]SEASON 1[/b][/h3] Update 1.5.0 has been transformed into Season 1! So much effort had gone into the update to the point where we could no longer consider it as just "a content update", and instead we changed our plans to make it a season. Much is coming in the update, but even [i]more[/i] is coming afterwards! Here's just a peak of what's coming next update: [list] [*][b]NEW GAMEMODE[/b] [/list][list] [*][b]NEW WEAPONS[/b] [/list][list] [*][b]LEADERBOARDS[/b] [/list][list] [*][b]MAP CHANGES[/b] [/list][list] [*][b]NEW COSMETICS[/b] [/list][list] [*][b]AND MUCH MORE![/b] [/list] Season 1 is essentially a overhaul of the majority of the game, and we're incorporating brand new systems and mechanics that we hope changes the game for the better. As the season progresses, we'll be introducing more events and updates that will make the game more replayable, and we can't wait for you all to see them! Next, we'd like to talk about our upcoming DLC for the game. Unfortunately, we'll be removing the DLC from the steam store page due to issues that came up during our development for the bonus content. BUT DON'T FRET! We have a special launch gift that we've worked on that we hope you all like, as a apology for not being able to release the content you've all been so patiently waiting for. Lastly, we'd like to announce that more frequent updates are on the way! The distance between content updates will be shorter than before, and we hope to continue this pattern for future seasons. These more frequent updates hope to make the game more fresh and replayable throughout the entirety of the season. We'll share more news on this when the season officially drops! So, what are you waiting for? Gear up and get ready for Season 1!