Fortune: Rewritten's 2024 Roadmap Discussion!

Fortune: Rewritten

Fortune: Rewritten is a PvP experience! Battle in head-to-head combat where only one can be the winner!

[h1]Hey everyone![/h1] Happy new year! 2024 marks a new year for Fortune, and we're excited to show you and discuss [i]some[/i] of our plans for this year. Although we haven't exactly fully returned from our break, we still wanted to announce our roadmap and discuss some of the plans we have. There is quite a bit to go over in today's post, so without further delay, let's talk about it. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42960228/ce859e5b3c8ef90a7a2055a1fbe869aa144b6f2c.png[/img] [h2]QOL Improvements and Content Changes[/h2] First, let's discuss the main goal for Fortune: Rewritten in 2024. This year, we want to build the game into a better and overall more enjoyable experience for everyone who plays and for everyone who supports us. You all mean the world to us, and we're committed on improving the game with each update. Beginning with our next major update, the quality of updates will increase, featuring a lot of more detail and just overall improvements. As for the major update, while it's early too accurately give a specific date, the timeframe we're currently looking at to push this update out is sometime in Late Q1 2024. The content that we have planned for Fortune is so that the game feels more enjoyable overall. We're working on also making sure that the content we do push out is as best it can be, ensuring that it is the best quality. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42960228/968672f6ceb6c12b6edd2498e041420787e438dc.png[/img] Update keep the game fresh, but too many of them at once may oversaturate the game and lead to it feeling bland. Our update schedule for this year is as follows: Regular Update: Every 2-3 weeks Major Update: Every 2-3 months Minor updates (bugfixes, hotfixes, etc.): Whenever needed Keep in mind this schedule isn't exactly final, and things can change. Our goal is to keep the game is fresh as possible while keeping players engaged. We'll be tweaking this update schedule based on your feedback. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42960228/f31b12c986d78ead16ce1770428d729e2942e8e7.png[/img] Platforms. Fortune: Rewritten was game that was developed originally for just PC, but now we're deciding that PC won't do if we want as many people as we can to enjoy the game. So, we've decided to start working on porting the game to other platforms. We're planning to, at least, release the game on Xbox in 2024, with mobile potentially following suit afterwards later this year. Now, there are a few questions that this brings up, but we'll answer the three biggest ones we think you all have. [b]Will the game have cross-progression?[/b] No. This is mainly because of technical issues with Account data for that the game has at the moment. We have plans to rework and improve the Account data so that this can be possible, but it most likely won't happen on Day one of the game being released on other platforms. We're not saying that this is never going to happen, but it's not happening at least right now. [b]Will there be price differences depending on the platform?[/b] No. All platforms will be valued at the same price to ensure price fairness on all platforms so that players feel satisfied with the game and it's content at it's price. If the game does happen to change, whether it increases or decreases, we'll publicly announce the price change or sale. [b]Will the game be coming to more platforms, excluding that ones you have already mentioned?[/b] There is no 100% guarantee that the game will be coming to more platforms excluding the ones we have mentioned above, but we are committed into bringing the game to as many platforms as we can so that everyone can enjoy the game. And this so happens to transition us nicely into our next topic. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42960228/2a4bff55e32fbada2dd210c968c7c91a85b83c5c.png[/img] As some of you may know, Fortune: Rewritten was originally plan to launch with multiplayer built into it. So the main question you're wondering is probably "Why didn't the game launch with multiplayer built in?" Well, here's the answer to that question. The engine we use to develop Fortune doesn't allow us to implement our own servers into the game, meaning that support for multiplayer is basically impossible due to engine technical difficulties. We know this is disheartening to hear, but in the current engine, it is just not something we can do. However, there are plans to switch to a brand new engine that make it possible for multiplayer support, but it is much too early for to give an actual date for when that'll happen. Just know that it is in the works, and that multiplayer will come to the game soon. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42960228/2a2c2af1966da88e7313c5c044d7db94c9f772f4.png[/img] [h2]The Future and Beyond[/h2] 2024 will bring major improvements and changes to the game, and we're excited to show you everything that's in store and what exactly will be coming to the game, but all will be revealed in due time. Our long-term vision for the game is to create a fun, replayable and enjoyable shooter game, something that we feel Fortune is meant to be, and we hope you'll enjoy the ride along the way. With that being said, that concludes our roadmap discussion. Stay tuned for more information regarding updates, platform releases, and more coming soon. We hope you stick with us for the rest of 2024 and we'll talk to you soon. [i]P.S: Oh, and one more thing, make sure to keep your eyes peeled for a incoming update in the coming weeks! :)[/i]