QUICKERFLAK is an experimental fast-paced time-attack top-down combat retro-hardcore minigame, that can be finished in a minute.
Howdy folks! I hope you are all having a pretty decent time!
I am working on my largest project so far, not saving on the dark guitar fuzz, heavy contrast, and tribal drums (this explains the launching gap).
During the breaks, I am addressing some tweaks on Steam community items, like Trip to Vinelands and TTV2 Steam cards, that were made with photos of the real location that inspired the series. The next community items may be AccrO cards (and an expansion of the flyable map), Swarmrider Omega cards and I am checking my old hard drivers for nice UBERMOSH concept images for more community items (heavily asked on the Stem hubs).
The production pace is kinda slow due to the handcrafted nature of my work. I am doing my best!
Many many thanks! I will keep the updates here