Floor 6 fix

Paper Cut Mansion

In this papercraft roguelite, explore a mysterious mansion floor by floor. Solve puzzles, battle enemies and complete quests as you unlock new abilities to aid you on each run as you solve the mystery behind the Paper Cut Mansion.

Some of you reported a problem with [b]floor 6[/b], a big thanks to [b]markoh00[/b] for sending us a video. We realized that the problem was not related to the GPU but to an error in the positioning of the boss on spawn. We were not able to reproduce it on our PCs but we changed some of the code related to that functionality and we hope it will work correctly now. Please continue being awesome in sharing with us any issue you find while playing so that we can fix all those pesky bugs lurking in there! (GOG update coming soon too) [img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1004370/ss_917b74cccb455893d7f809e4cd606b152a667bab.jpg?t=1667394375[/img]