Fixes and changes

Professional Fishing 2

"Professional Fishing 2" is the second installment of an exciting fishing game that takes you into the world of thrilling angling adventures. Step into the shoes of a novice angler, embarking on a journey with simple yet reliable gear.

[list] [*] Fixed the reel GUI — stopped the indicator from spinning on its own. [*] Fixed the reel brake, which at level 0 would cause the line to retract by itself. [*] Improved equipping of the rod — its type now remains as originally set or as set by the player. [*] Optimized the impact of depth, hook size, and bait on bites and fish sizes. [*] Improved casting distance calculations by taking into account casting weight and rod length. [*] Added an option to hide the help panel on the main screen. Settings -> Game -> Show Help Panel. [*] Fixed other minor graphical issues. [/list]