Five Years of Just Shapes & Beats?!

Just Shapes & Beats

"Just Shapes & Beats" is a chaotic co-op musical bullet-hell based on three simple things: avoid Shapes, move to the kick-ass Beats, and die, repeatedly.

Hey Everyone! That's right, today marks 5 years since the launch of Just Shapes & Beats. So much has changed since then, and yet were we are, and here you are, and we're so appreciative for that. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/28062999/72eed3855d84364e191ce5321ae3775e93b4b966.png[/img] Now of course we know what you really want. It would be hard not to, since every single tweet, post, message, and image has been followed by at least one person asking about updates. We don't like even [i]slightly [/i] announcing things until we're really ready to talk about them, that's just how we roll as a studio. We know that'll be annoying for some, but it's important to us to work like that, so we hope you understand. So on this day of celebration, our beloved Lachhh had some words to share with the fans of the game in a tweet thread: For those of you who are terrified of clicking links I can do you a favor and drop it here: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/28062999/0264079bf77a54710a223c50768c94e9d88dff68.png[/img] So hopefully that'll let you know that we're still working on stuff for Just Shapes & Beats, and the fact that we aren't always talking about it doesn't mean it's not happening. Thanks for sticking with us, and we're looking forward to the future! -Berzerk Team