First Snow 1.1 Voice Acting update, and merch!

First Snow

Having moved away from her friends and family to attend community college, Allison Merlo is a fresh student struggling with the day to day challenges of life.

Hi everyone! We're pushing out a big update for First Snow with partial voice acting! Check out [url=]our blog[/url] post for the full details on where to get our new merch! Keep in mind that, as before, updating will most likely break your save files. [h2]1.1 Patch notes[/h2] [list] [*] Partial voice acting has been added. CGs and other notable events are fully voiced, while moments that use sprites use repeatable voice lines! [*] The volume slider for voice acting is now unlocked by default [*] Additionally, a voice emphasis toggle has been added to the menu [*] Speech bubbles will now display when a voice line is played. "..." is shown when a fully voiced line plays, while "!" is shown when a repeatable line is used [*] Various small typos and other errors fixed [/list]