First September Update

SGS Battle For: Shanghai

Fight the ‘Stalingrad on the Yangze’, as was sometimes called the Battle for Shanghai in 1937. Play as the Chinese willing to reclaim the whole city or as the Imperial Japanese forces in their counter-attack.

Hello everyone, this is the first update in September. The main content of this update is balance adjustment, the specific update content is as follows: [b]NEW[/b] [list] [*] New cards and units: 16th Division (IJA) [*] New independent unit free unlocking mechanism: [*] Chinese Army: 4-6 independent units (artillery, tanks) are randomly unlocked each turn [*] Japanese Army: 8-12 independent units (artillery, engineers, tanks) are randomly unlocked each turn [*] Reduction in the replacement point consumption of Japanese air units [*] Added the Veterans attribute to Japanese units: in each battle, each unit can cancel the first step loss. [*] Strengthening of the elite infantry units and army heavy artillery units of the Japanese Army: every 1 point of hit will cause 2 points of step loss [/list] [b]CHANGES[/b] [list] [*] Adjustment of the movement cost of crossing the Huangpu River: 2MP→4MP [*] Adjustment of the Japanese landing mechanism in Hangzhou Bay: change from reducing VPs for the Chinese to gain of VPs for the Japanese [/list] [b]FIXES[/b] [list] [*] Fixed the bug of IJN carrier-based aircraft loss [*] Fixed the bug of AI units wandering between different landing boxes [/list] The next update is expected to be on September 15th.