Final Update Before Launch

Toy Tactics

Become a master strategist in this innovative physics-based RTS game. Control armies inspired by minifigs and personalize your strategies with hand drawn formations. Each of the five armies has their own campaign to conquer! With Mercenary, Puzzle and Sandbox modes to keep the fun going.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41327815/9354bcdbebb928a7903e1d55216b62e4b72038c4.png[/img] [h3]As we approach the official release, we’re excited to announce that everything is now finalized. Get ready to sharpen your skills, because the upcoming game modes available at launch will be [b]Multiplayer Versus (1vs1)[/b] and [b]Multiplayer Cooperative (1+1 vs AI)[/b].[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41327815/38eae21483370cff79208b1b920190ce78d61738.png[/img] [h3]What’s New in This Update:[/h3][list] [*][b]Touchscreen Support:[/b] You can now enjoy full touchscreen functionality. [*][b]Scene Updates & Balancing:[/b] Multiple scenes have been updated and rebalanced for better gameplay. [*][b]Skirmish Mode Warning:[/b] A new alert will notify you if you attempt to start Skirmish mode without any spells equipped. [*][b]Unit Videos in Army Camp:[/b] Watch your units in action with new videos available in the army camp. [*][b]Boss Improvements:[/b] Fixed boss attack cancellations and rebalanced their difficulty for a more engaging challenge. [*][b]Customization:[/b] Your selected colors are now saved automatically. [*][b]Visual Upgrades:[/b] Decals have been replaced with a new system, and trails and particle render orders have been refined. [*][b]Enhanced performance:[/b] Improvements to ensure smoother gameplay and faster load times. [*][b]Environmental Updates:[/b] Removed underwater vegetation to enhance performance. [*][b]Cinematic Additions:[/b][list] [*]Visualize army cinematics directly from the camp. [*]Enjoy the new boss ending cinematics, everytime you defeat any boss.[/list] [*][b]Gameplay Tweaks:[/b][list] [*]Karts now halt when captured by enemies. [*]Chest retrieval mechanics have been revised for specific scenarios. [*]Improved arrow sticking for more realistic interactions. [*]Reworked pathfinding costs for navigating through and around buildings, both intact and destroyed.[/list] [*][b]Bug Fixes:[/b][list] [*]Various achievements have been corrected. [*]Spells on top of buildings are now functioning as intended. [*]Resolved issues with specific spells, including Trojan Horse, Galleon, and Barrels. [*]Relic fixes, including adjustments to Ghost Area, Wolf Cloak, and Ancilia.[/list] [*][b]Audio & Visual Enhancements:[/b][list] [*]Credits audio now respects master volume settings. [*]Simplified Fireflight light effects for better performance. [*]Campaign markers have been resized and modified for improved clarity.[/list][/list] This will likely be the final update before the official launch, so dive in and explore these changes as you prepare for the big day! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41327815/479deeb53943317fb77fb45b1e1dec8916e6d306.png[/img]