Final Beta Update

Handy Harry's Haunted House Services

Team up with up to 8 friends online to explore the haunted, randomly generated depths of these dusty attics. Find and repair the objectives, flip the master switch and escape before the ghastly ghoul that lurks in the darkness catches up to you. Play through the career mode or explore free play!

Hey Handy Harry's fans, I've got some very exciting news! This is the final update to H4S before the 1.0 Full Version release update coming later this year. I know a lot of you are dying for some new content and while this maybe isn't the update you were hoping for, I can assure you that the largest content update is right around the corner. I will be announcing the final release date very soon! Here's what's new in this version: [list] [*][b]Overhauled player animations![/b] [*][b]Glow sticks can now be picked back up (or stolen).[/b] [*]Massively improved network efficiency and stability. [*]Added TV head hat. [i]Thanks to jobo the hobo for the suggestion![/i] [*]Added surprised face skin. [*]Improved flashlight ambient lighting. [*]Improved hell pit door animation [*]Added option in settings to reduce light flickering. [/list] I'd also like to take this moment to apologise for the lack of updates during the last few months. I have been hard at work on other exciting projects such as [url=]Space Gourmet: Delivery[/url] and some other secret projects. But I assure you I haven't forgotten about H4S. I hope the upcoming launch update as you excited as I am. More details coming soon! Thanks for the patience and support, Ben.