Feudal Alloy is out now!

Feudal Alloy

Feudal Alloy is an epic action adventure with fish-controlled medieval robots! Explore an unusual medieval world with a fish-controlled robot, Attu. Improve your combat techniques and skills by smashing many kinds of mechanical creatures in a beautiful hand-drawn world.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/30616289/825830f461be254b878b69dad7f646002f20172a.gif[/img] Hi everyone, This is it! We’re excited to announce that after more than three years of hard work, [b]Feudal Alloy is finally out and ready for you to try![/b] We really hope you’ll enjoy exploring the unusual hand-drawn medieval world with your average fish-controlled farmer robot, Attu. Also, here’s our[b] new release trailer[/b]! You can view it here on Steam or on Youtube here: https://youtu.be/rYDUTyNDoso If you like to help us out by sharing the news and giving us a review, that would be awesome and we’d be really grateful! Cheers, Eva and Lukas from Attu Games