A new patch released.

Feudal Alloy

Feudal Alloy is an epic action adventure with fish-controlled medieval robots! Explore an unusual medieval world with a fish-controlled robot, Attu. Improve your combat techniques and skills by smashing many kinds of mechanical creatures in a beautiful hand-drawn world.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/30616289/8e34c0a8a2c00874c41a0bd09a2e333243487490.png[/img] [b]Changes: [/b] [list] [*]Fix - Getting a wrong data cartridge when the inventory is full [*]Fix - 01-02-03 - Unreachable platforms [*]Fix - 02-01-08 - Door button fixed [*]Fix - Door animation/ulocking bug [*]Fix - Faster Oil and Coolant consuming [*]Fix - 1440p resolution support [*]Fix - Broken/not-opened doors temporary workaround [*]Fix - Drinking oil/coolant in the menu disabled [*]Fix - Map - 03-04-04 - missing checkpoint [*]Add - Info screen/patrons updated [/list] We are really sorry guys about the issues you may encounter and working hard on fixing everything. We will release another patch as soon as we can. Thank you all, we are really grateful that you like our little game. Eva and Lukas from Attu Games