Famine Relief Update

Rise Of The White Sun

A Giant Strategy Sandbox experience set in Warlord China. *Tons of playable factions! *Communist insurgents, * Boxers like rebels, *Greedy warlords, *Mongol riders, *A mad russian baron, *Shanghai gangsters, *And armored trains!

The latest patch includes: [list] [*]5 new actions related to drought and famine management. [*]A reworked 1920 AI, enhancing the defense of Shanghai. [/list] [b]New Famine Relief Actions[/b] Responding to your requests for more options to combat drought, I've introduced 5 new district policies and actions. Most of these actions incur an upkeep cost and are unlocked via the Chamber of Commerce upgrade. [u]Temporary Relief Societies[/u]: Officials and philanthropists will participate in this initiative, undertaking charity and relief efforts. This policy will unlock additional options and reduce the number of bandits generated by drought. [u]Discounted Sales Granaries[/u]: An effective method to supply the district with grain and manage prices. These granaries will reduce the duration of droughts each turn and help restore vitality if it has dropped too low. Like the Temporary Relief Societies, these granaries also reduce the number of bandits created by drought. [u]Soup Kitchens[/u]: Easier to set up than granaries, they will reduce the duration of famine, albeit with lower efficiency and maintenance costs. [u]Dragon King Rituals[/u]: In the game, when the population implores the Dragon King for rain, it never works. However, this action will increase your Face (reputation), tradition, and influence over peasants. [u]Speculate on Grain[/u]: Another action that allows for quick, albeit unethical, earnings by exploiting a district's resources. Another great change is that from time to time, private initiative will provide relief to a district in distress. [b]1920 AI Reworked[/b] The AI in the 1920 scenario was ineffective at defending Shanghai. With this rework, the AI will now be more proactive and strategic in its defense. [b]What's Next?[/b] I have started coding for the 1929-1932 DLC. While I cannot provide a release date yet, progress is underway. Enjoy the game! Maestro Cinetik