Experience optimization

Territory: Farming and Fighting

From a small village of a dozen people to a small kingdom of thousands of people. Arrange for residents to work, gathering, fishing and hunting, farming and mining, processing and manufacturing. Trade, accumulate supplies, increase your strength, and fight evil forces and monsters.

BUG: When reducing the number of families at the beginning of the game, the custom number is always 100. BUG: When adjusting the burning rate at the beginning of the game, the custom value is not correctly converted into a percentage. Optimization: If the lord is unmarried, a pop-up window can be displayed. You can set it to prohibit pop-ups. Optimization: The ice cellar needs to arrange porters to perform the transportation task. Optimization: Ice cellar items are also counted in the upper left corner. Value adjustment: The range damage of monsters and lords, in a round of attack, each hit will reduce the damage by 5%, up to 90% attenuation. Optimization: Evaluate the beds associated with the work facilities every month. If all workers are on the associated beds, cancel the other redundant automatically associated beds. Optimization: The problem that the ice cellar cannot take food on a daily basis. Optimization: You can input management talents to the earl to increase the management level of his territory.