Exo One: Patch Update #1

Exo One

A strange signal... an alien craft... an interplanetary, gravity-defying journey through space and time.

Hey folks, 4 days out from launch, and it's all been a bit of a whirlwind, I gotta say! Feeling pretty overwhelmed by everything right now, and am not getting much sleep, but overall I'm super happy with how the launch is going! Just wanted to keep you updated on patches/fixes going on my side since launch. Version… 1st couple Steam patches(?): - fixed a Comet crash bug that occurred when Continuing from main menu - fixed Comet gravity bug - added geysers to Comet surface since a somewhat large number of people were getting stuck - fixed speed running time bug that caused all 3 achievements to unlock upon completing the game in any time Additionally to this, there's now a test branch. It contains a somewhat untested version of the game, with patches about to go into the public/default version of the game. It's potentially unstable and try at your own risk. Your save games WILL be affected. Here's how to access it: - Library - Right click Exo One - Properties - Betas > "test" Here's the latest patch notes from said test branch: Version: - Japanese text bugs fixed, still some drop shadow issues remain to be fixed - Frame rate limiter for main menu limits to refresh rate - Gnowee, fixed energy sound pickup not firing - Gnowee, fixed distant terrain sometimes flickering on/off - Darwin, fixed some incorrect/dull lighting - Coronides, adjusted vents on main rock, added vents on final small rock, made level slightly easier as many players finding incredibly difficult Anyone who knows Japanese, there were missing characters. If you could please check for us if it all looks correct that would be amazing! Once I can confirm this test branch fixes all the listed issues and is stable this will be going live on the main branch (hopefully in the next couple of days). If you REALLY want to help with testing Exo One going forward, there's a new "test-branch" chat channel over on the Discord where we'll be discussing all the upcoming changes as they happen. Final note: there are a couple of known issues we've had a few reports of that are completely stopping a handful of people from being able to experience the game (some getting stuck on the start screen, some finding the first level sky doesn't load in and they're unable to progress, and a few other edge case issues. Fixing these particular issues is my highest priority right now, and I'm working night and day to get to the bottom of them. Please try to be a little patient with me if you are experiencing any major issues like the above, check out the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/773370/discussions/]pinned threads on the Steam forums[/url] and hopefully we'll get those figured out in the days to come. Watch this space for more news as things progress! Much love, -Jay