Exciting Updates and Enhancements!


Become the beasts you defeat in this action-packed RPG! Equip and upgrade both your human and beast form and shapeshift between them anytime. Venture out solo or ride together in co-op on a journey to uncover the dark secrets sealed away inside a legendary city.

[h2]Greetings, Shifters! ✊[/h2] August is coming to an end, but it's not yet over for us! After showing Coridden at [b]Gamescom in Germany[/b], we're sending it off to [b]the US for PAX West![/b] https://steamcommunity.com/games/1656930/announcements/detail/4255424837726846472 But that's not all! We're lucky to participate in this year's indie event at the venue — [b]The MIX![/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40886702/8181d77a461b5067c02bc8a8c92a6d81fbdf708a.png[/img] We've also got some updates rolling in, and we can't wait to share them with you! Our recent playtesting session was a [b]success[/b], and [b]your feedback has been invaluable![/b] We've been busy fixing bugs based on it, and working on completing the game's areas, environments, texts, and translations—[b]it's all slowly coming together[/b] 😊 To ramp up both [b]challenge [/b]and [b]fun[/b], we decided to try out some changes to [b]skills, items, and gameplay elements.[/b] Here's a peek at what's new: [h3]🛡️ New Defence Stat for Armours[/h3] Armours (including beast forms) will now have a [b]Defence[/b] stat. Defence is compared to the [b]Level of the attacker.[/b] If you have a [b]high defence,[/b] it will [b]decrease incoming damage[/b]. Having a[b] low defence[/b] compared to attacker level might lead to [b]more damage[/b] taken. We wanted to include this stat as something that every armour can provide to protect you better, even if that armour doesn't have [b]damage resistance or reduction.[/b] This allows for more varied armours, such as an armour providing [b]more ability power [/b]or [b]energy regeneration[/b] instead of just protection. [h3]🩸 Wound Healing[/h3] Selected armours will now have a [b]Wound Healing[/b] stat, allowing players to regenerate health while outside of combat. [h3]🪙 Adjusted Death Penalties[/h3] Players will now [b]lose money upon death[/b], and the time required to revive an ally has increased slightly from 1 second to 2 seconds, adding a touch more [b]challenge[/b]. [h3]💰 Economy Adjustments[/h3] We've [b]reduced the overall money drops from enemies[/b] to make a more balanced in-game economy. We hope that as a result, completing quests will feel more rewarding and crucial to progression. [h3]⚖️ Weapon Damage Balancing[/h3] We've adjusted both [b]ranged [/b]and [b]melee weapon[/b] damages to maintain a consistent challenge throughout the game. [h3]🐲 Beast Form Items Drop Rate[/h3] We've [b]increased the drop chance for beast form items[/b]. [h3]🗡️ Expanded Inventory[/h3] We've added [b]more inventory space[/b], allowing players to carry more of their hard-earned loot. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40886702/1a3539f371a9c94b61a0b0246401724639ed2978.gif[/img] [h3]⬆️ Enhanced Damage Resistance for Enemies[/h3] Enemies' damage resistances will now [b]scale [/b]with [b]higher difficulty levels[/b] and with more players [b]in multiplayer mode[/b]. This change encourages varied playstyles and strategic builds among players tackling tougher challenges together. [h3]🟠 Improved Item Comparison and Stats Display[/h3] 🔸Damage is now compared [b]directly[/b], regardless of damage type, helping players make quicker, more informed decisions. 🔸 If an item has more than one damage type, a [b]total damage value[/b] will be displayed alongside a breakdown of each damage type's contribution. 🔸We've [b]reorganized item stat displays[/b] to highlight [b]the most important stats at the top[/b], followed by a clear break before the rest, to streamline the comparison process. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40886702/097ae8706bb96b0621db06d19fa71ed83ed656e5.png[/img] We want to make the game exciting and fun for you every step of the way! [b]Your feedback means the world to us and helps us create this adventure together.[/b] Thanks for sticking with us, and keep an eye out for more updates as we keep building and improving ❤️ Follow us on [url=https://twitter.com/aftnareld][b]Twitter/X[/b][/url], [url=https://www.instagram.com/aftnareld/][b]Instagram[/b] [/url]and join our [url=https://discord.gg/8kQhswvr8B][b]Discord[/b] [/url]to stay in touch 🦖 Until next time! /Aftnareld Team ───────────────────────────────────────────── [h3][b]🐲 Add to Wishlist[/b][/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1656930/Coridden/ ───────────────────────────────────────────── [h3][b]🎮 Follow Anshar Publishing on Steam 🎮[/b][/h3] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/developer/AnsharPublishing][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40886702/33c47f9e7aea11f664cc6fa47294bdab9b34c74b.png[/img][/url]