Evolvio Update


Ilamentia is a mysterious abstract puzzler where you must first discern the curiosities before resolving them. Some levels focus on brain-melting logic, others rely on sharp reactions, many more will test the limits of every facet of your cognitive faculties.

Greetings again Phasmic ones... :] The previous version of Ilamentia was made in a very old version of GameMaker and it seems Windows 10 updates have been progressively causing more technical woes. Most notably for some (including myself) the game recently suddenly seemed to just cap at 45fps. So I spent a bit of time converting Ilamentia into the latest version of GameMaker which seems to have fixed those issues and has a nice performance boost too. The new GameMaker builds 3D models very differently to the old way though and so since I'd be going through all the levels to make sure they look as they once did, I couldn't resist having a potter about with various bits and bobs. Most of the gameplay changes are related to the latter half of the levels to make them a bit nicer and more interesting to play (since previous updates tended to focus on the earlier levels). But also a lot of levels now have Teleport Falls, where if you fall into the abyss rather than having to manually restart the level you'll be automatically teleported back above to a safe spot based on the last Soul collected. It's very nice for the more obstacle course type later levels as the Souls basically act like checkpoints. Note though it doesn't revert other negatives, such as the effects of Phasms or fallen platforms, so you still have to be careful about it. It's not too much use in the early islands but is there more just to introduce the mechanics for the later islands. [b]// general changes[/b] - The three platformy levels of Amp, Tumble, and Cling, have been repurposed as new puzzley levels (Amp is renamed to Found). - Added a gong sound effect for when the level exit appears so you know when the level is complete. - Added a soothing bit of music when a level is won and at the 100% completion screen. - Fixed a bug with the 100% ending where it would initially show wrong text. - Souls: Made it more visually obvious when they are/aren't active. - Your POV will no longer go mental if you tab out of the game. - Fixed a bug with Look Sensitivity where it was only applying if it was a multiple of 20 (e.g. 60%, 80%, etc). - Made the cursor on the title screen much easier to see. - Some minor tweaks to some of the level Hints (typos, better explaining of some mechanics, etc). [b]// island #1[/b] - Coddle: Replaying the level will replay the tutorial (previously the help text wouldn't spawn once you beaten it). Added Teleport Falls. - Hop: Platforms that raise now show a shadow effect of their high point. The teleportation from falling is now based on the last soul collected (so it's possible to get stuck on the first soul). - Path: Slightly increased the range the souls activate to make the solution a bit more apparent. Made the sigil block's on/off state more apparent so the max on limit is easier to spot. - Fragment: Turning on the outside Phasm blocks creates a Phasm visual/sound effect to hint it's a bad idea. - Proximity: Added Teleport Falls. - Flee: Added Teleport Falls. [b]// island #2[/b] - Theme: Reduced the frequency of screen glitches. - Seeker: Removed the arrows from the map as it made the puzzle a bit easy. - Fade: Made the map route a bit more interesting. Added Teleport Falls. - Pressure: Added Teleport Falls. - Facade: Added Teleport Falls. [b]// island #3[/b] - Teleport: Falling prevents teleporting (since it doesn't teleport you back above it's otherwise a bit confusing). - Planes: Added Teleport Falls. [b]// island #4[/b] - Order: Reduced the amount of bad sigils to 4 so it's possible to discern the path by sigils alone. Added small shadow platforms to signify when the path flips to the other side. - Crowd: Fixed a bug where you were still able to fire after collecting the Soul (the intention is after collecting the Soul you just have to leg it to the exit). - Convert: Fixed a bug where level Hints weren't showing. - Slots: Fixed a bug where a Soul remained uncollected despite the exit opening. - Slide: Tiles that move into the correct slot will now become fixed there and cannot move. You can now freely move about the realm. Reduced the number of tiles by 2. Added a border around the completed tile edges so it's easier to see the pattern. When shooting a tile if it can move in multiple directions then it will attempt to move in the direction you're facing. - Glade: The Soul if uncollected will now periodically create Phasms (so may be used to roughly judge the Soul's whereabouts). The Phasm explodes if you draw line of sight to it. - Planes: Souls appear in an additional realm to give a bit of extra leeway when attempting to collect them. - Ascendant: Reduced the amount of Souls from 3 to 2. Added an extra Phasm to keep you on your toes. Added Teleport Falls. [b]// island #5[/b] - Theme: Fixed a bug where the fog colour was being incorrectly set based on the previous theme you encountered. - Fate: Moved from Island #8 to make sure you'll find the level without the platforms all aligning. Added a red overlay to the icon based on how many levels within that island are complete. - Pitfall: Slightly slowed the speed the platforms disappear so the platforming isn't quite as precise. Tweaked the height of one of the lowest platforms so you need to use a trick to reach the next. Fixed a bug where jumping on a rising platform may clip you through it. - Shroud: Added Teleport Falls. - Portal: Added Teleport Falls. - Unveil: Added Teleport Falls. - Link: Added Teleport Falls. [b]// island: #6[/b] - Theme: Changed the colour of the platforms and fog to something more distinct and so the platforms blend less with the sky. Fixed a bug where the fog colour was being incorrectly set based on the previous theme you encountered. - Spiral: The platforms now create an explosion when fading in to give a much better idea of where they are. The Soul platforms now start visible to make it easier to get your bearings. - Plummet: The Souls now create an explosion when spawning so are a lot easier to notice. The level now loops back to the top if you reach the bottom without collecting all Souls. - Impetus: Slightly extended the timing and the collision mask duration so the platforming isn't quite as precise. Tweaked the first Soul shadow pattern so it's easier to see the loop. - Transit: The number of Souls have been reduced from 3 to 2. Slightly increased your jump height to give you a few more options. When a Soul is collected the platform you're standing on no longer begins to fall (so you can take your time admiring the traffic). - Puppet: Adding a landmark so it's easier to get your bearings. Tweaked the layout/behaviours to make the level flow better. Added Teleport Falls. - Reactionary: The souls will respawn at the bottom (with a Phasm) if they float up too high. - Nocturnal: When teleporting back after collecting a Soul you'll now face the direction of the Soul's entrance (so it's easier to notice the entrance you came from is now barred). - Fluke: There's now a chance of less or no Phasms at the start. Reduced the chance of there being less floors and Phasms spawning after each Soul collected. Has a 69% (nice) chance of having Teleport Falls (this is rechecked each start/teleport). - Domino: Added platforms so it's easier to see/shoot the distant Souls. Added an extra trick required to complete the level (related to the platforms). Added Teleport Falls. - Averse: Added Teleport Falls. [b]// island: #7[/b] - Maze: Added three sigil blocks which if hit will remove some of the walls around them. - Undersway: Increased the Soul's Laser height/width so they're easier to see from afar. Fixed a bug where the HUD hands weren't animating when shooting. Added Teleport Falls. - Duality: Slightly reduced the speed of the waves and fading platforms so the platforming isn't quite as precise. Added Teleport Falls. - Checkered: The beginning and end platforms are now always active. The Souls now remain in a static position. - Treadmill: Added Teleport Falls. - Blink: Added Teleport Falls. - Extrude: Added Teleport Falls. - Claustro: Added Teleport Falls. [b]// island: #8[/b] - Journey: Instead of the names being displayed an image of the level is now shown. Getting close to the sigil stone will now change the room theme to the stone's island theme. Fixed the Island 2 and 3 sigil stones and Hint being in the wrong position (they were switched). - Sacrifice: When the level is completed for each island sacrificed a number of complete levels equal to the island number now becomes uncomplete. Any islands that have a number of equal levels complete at least equal to the island number can now be sacrificed (previously all levels had to be complete). Added a warning text so you're aware your island choice matters. - Time: Tweaked the platform mechanics so they now only rotate in one direction and individual platforms now rotate based on one of your movement axis (x,y,z). Added Teleport Falls. - Presence: Each Soul collected now creates a Phasm which randomly moves through the maze. Added Teleport Falls. - Bypass: Reduced the amount of Souls from 2 to 1. You can now emit a shockwave which stuns/reverses the orbit of Phasms. Added Teleport Falls. - Macular: Reduced the amount of Souls from 3 to 2. Platforms now continue to fall after you've landed on them. - Collateral: Reduced the amount of Souls from 2 to 1. Phasms are now randomly faster. - Shy: Added sigils to the platforms indicating when they begin to fade out. Added Teleport Falls. - Pedestal: Added Teleport Falls. - Ripple: Added Teleport Falls. - Reversal: Added Teleport Falls. Enjoy! :]