Early Alpha Release


Discover the mysteries of the Atacama, explore the abandoned mining networks, evade the scorching sun and survive the environment in one of the most arid place in the world. Arid is a FREE survival game made by students from Breda University.

[h2] What is the current stage of the development? [/h2] As for "Early Alpha" we are currently releasing a Sneak Peek that we worked on in the last 7 weeks. As students, we felt as this was the best way to get some initial feedback and get closer with our community. [h2] Will it be updated? [/h2] This Early Alpha will be available for a limited time only and will not be updated. We will listen to all the feedback for the Early Access release of the game though! If you want to let us know your opinion, feel free to do it trough our forums or Discord. The latter options guarantees faster and more engaged response. [url=https://discord.gg/3hNJeNUVHj] This link will take you to our Discord [/url]