ARID has launched! ( Update 2 "Moon Valley" now available)


Discover the mysteries of the Atacama, explore the abandoned mining networks, evade the scorching sun and survive the environment in one of the most arid place in the world. Arid is a FREE survival game made by students from Breda University.

[b]Hi Survivors![/b] We are excited to announce that Arid will leave the Early Access, today! It's crazy to think how much the game evolved since the demo/prototype from 16 weeks ago! As a [b]team of students[/b], we would have never been able to improve the project this much during the last month without your help! We tried to implement as much feedback as possible for this update, along with some extra suggested features, but for us is never enough! So again, thank you! [b]You have been amazing and we are really honoured of having shared this experience with all of you.[/b] If you enjoy this newest update, don't forget to let us know and leave us a review! We are always open to talk and available for any type of question. Let's move to the update that comes with this 1.0.0 Release! [b]BE AWARE: AS WE ANNOUNCED PREVIOUSLY, OLD SAVES WILL BE INVALIDATED. IF YOU WANT TO KEEP PLAYING WITH OLDER SAVES, USE THE LEGACY BRANCH.[/b] [previewyoutube=wf7yQ_LWjZo;full][/previewyoutube] [b][h1]Update 2: Moon Valley[/h1][/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39348174/b86f557c73c83955f73a6f62757e79e2597b3051.png[/img] [h3]Moon Valley Area:[/h3] Explore a new large mining area of the Atacama, scavenge the abandoned Saltpeter Plant, discover the events behind Santa Loressa and reach the ending of this campaign. If you prefer to play in sandbox, disable the quest system and explore freely! This last map might be closer to the crash site that you might think... [h3] Metalforging and High Quality Tools:[/h3] We added an higher tier of tools, that can be crafted only at a specific crafting bench. While their uses is numbered, the energy cost is minimal and the bonus reward in crafting is often doubled. [h3]New threats: [/h3] Without spoiling too much, we added some threats to both day and night. We are not sure which ones are more terrifying! [b][h1]Other Features[/h1][/b] [h3]Voice Acting:[/h3] We loved collaborating with Samantha Slade for voicing our main character, so.. we added more! There are now more than 100 new voice lines added to the entire game. A good reason to forgive us for wiping clean your saves and enjoy the game with amazing voice acting! [h3]Hardcore UI:[/h3] [i]Far from the eyes, far from the heart...[/i] but not really! You can now hide the Sun Exposure and rely exclusively on the sounds (and the character complaints)! [h3]UI Rework (Part 2):[/h3] Not as large as Part 1, but we managed to iterate on the UI that were still left behind, such as the saving screen, death screen and the repair interface. [h3]Achievements: [/h3] Another reason to start a new playthrough of the game! With achievements linked to the progression, some linked to the exploration and few for completionists, there should be a little bit for everyone! [h3]More bug fixing and balance changes![/h3] [h3][b]Special Thanks to the Community![/b][/h3] You joked about it, we added it! You can now find a viscacha in each of the maps, along with a new shishkebab recipe! No killing allowed! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39348174/59721cf2fb90529527eab2dfca29aa2432f68460.png[/img] [i]Chilean players might also notice some additional easter eggs in the Mining Town...[/i] [h3] What now?[/h3] We will keep monitoring for any eventual issue that might pop up, so keep giving us feedback! You can get in contact trough the Steam Forum, our [url=]Discord[/url] or the in-game Feedback report. We might take 2-3 days off to focus on our final exams (the game is not enough to pass the year!), but we are still here nonetheless. Follow the game, more news will be shared soon! [h1] Update 2: Release Notes[/h1] [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] [b][h2]Gameplay[/h2][/b] [b]CHANGES[/b][list] [*] Reduced amount of unrefined wood needed to craft planks from 2 to 1 [*] Reduced amount of time that a plank burns from 60 to 40 seconds [*] Crates have a higher chance of dropping unrefined wood when disassembled [*] Increased spawn chance of salt and alcohol in crates and barrels [*] Insects can now be gained from dirt piles [*] Added small wind gusts throughout the game [*] Bed has a new visual [*] Improved performance in certain places [*] Narrative lines now get queued [*] Reduced energy cost multiplier for using hands when disassembling from 2.2 to 2.0 [*] Reduced energy cost multiplier for using pickaxe when disassembling from 2.0 to 1.9 [*] Players can now craft tier 2 shovels [*] Updated Aloe juice description to match it’s actual effect [*] All metal items that require a tool to disassemble now give a minimum of 2 metal scraps when disassembling [*] Dropped items no longer despawn [*] Water filter, broken lantern and oil barrels are now properly being saved/loaded [*] Updated recipe descriptions to match their outcome [*] Players can now craft and cook a shishkebab. [*] Reduced Alcohol energy gain from 300 to 200 [*] Reduced Charqui nourishment gain from 300 to 200 [*] Increased energy consumption rate on normal difficulty from 0.55 to 0.58 per second [*] Increased sun exposure depletion in shade on normal difficulty from 0.5 to 0.8 per second [/list] [b]FIXES[/b][list] [*] FIXED - Player able to have mild and severe sunburn at the same time after loading in a save file [*] FIXED - When removing multiple items across separate item stacks, occasionally the amount of items removed wouldn’t be correctly calculated. [*] FIXED - Player occasionally has enough items in inventory but fails to craft item [*] FIXED - Fireplace triggering the infinite desert status effect [*] FIXED - Not being able to interact with certain objects when having the setting “press to interact” enabled [*] FIXED - Multiple narrative lines occasionally playing at the same time [/list] [b][h2]Audio[/h2][/b] [b]CHANGES[/b][list] [*] Added Circling plane sound [*] Improved sound for stepping on wooden planks [*] Added sound for repairing a broken bed [*] Added sound for repairing a broken campfire [*] Added sound for repairing a crafting table [*] Added sound for repairing a metalworker [*] Added sound for stepping on wooden stairs [*] Added sound for interacting with crafting table [*] Added sound for selecting an item in the crafting table [*] Added sound for pressing back button in crafting table [*] Added sound for tool breaking [*] Added sound for interacting with saltpeter [*] Added music specific to certain times of day and night [*] Added sound for adding oil to the torch [*] Added sound for stepping on cave ground [*] Added sound for interacting with water barrel [/list] [b]FIXES[/b][list] [*] FIXED - Inventory closing sound playing when closing a container [*] FIXED - Menu music continues to play after pressing continue in menu [/list] [h2][b]User Interface[/b][/h2] [b]CHANGES[/b][list] [*] Status effects now show a countdown timer if they aren’t permanent [*] Attributes now change in color based on their danger status [*] Dropped items will now show their stack size when hovered over [*] Item description in the inventory will now show how much an item will change attributes [*] Updated UI for repairable objects [*] Updated UI for objective system [*] Added Hardcore UI difficulty setting, this setting reduces the amount of UI visible to the player [*] Improved controller support for Difficulty menu [/list] [b]FIXES[/b][list] [*] FIXED - Option menu increase/decrease button being unresponsive occasionally [*] FIXED - Option menu cancel resolution not working [*] FIXED - Lower texture quality settings will now affect actual quality for textures [*] FIXED - Interaction popup sometimes not disappearing after interacting when having the setting “press to interact” enabled [/list] Thanks for taking the time to read the patch notes! See you with the next update. You rock!