Bass Defense combines musical rhythm-based gameplay with strategic elements. You must hit the correct buttons in time with the music to clear your NMYs who try to destroy your base, unless you save it with the help of your upgradable - defensive or offensive - power-ups or your sense of rhythm.
[h3]Code Cleanup / Refactor[/h3]
[*]Changed power-up effects in order to their scale represent the exact parameter of "Radius"
[h3]Effects / Animations[/h3]
[*]Added pause menu countdown effect
[*]Improved LAST STAND so that its ease (slow down and speed up curve) perfectly match the Bézier curve of its animation
[*]Fixed an issue related to the fire effects on memorythm_08 which caused heavy stuttering and FPS drops
[*]Tweaked LAST STAND to automatically trigger a Power Shield as well, along with a Regeneration and a Sonic Boom
[*]Added physical objects to memorythm_15
[*]Optimized various parts of the game which reduced the installer by 500MB
[h3]QoL improvements[/h3]
[*]Improved pause menu with countdown upon clicking continue
[*]Changed text of countdown animation
[*]Added SFX to countdown animation
If you have any issues or questions, please contact us on the [url=]Bass Defense Discord Server[/url] or via any platforms below.
[url=]Bass Defense Community Hub[/url]
[url=]Bass Defense Discord Server[/url]
[url=]WOMBEX Games YouTube channel[/url]
[url=]WOMBEX Games on X[/url]