Bass Defense combines musical rhythm-based gameplay with strategic elements. You must hit the correct buttons in time with the music to clear your NMYs who try to destroy your base, unless you save it with the help of your upgradable - defensive or offensive - power-ups or your sense of rhythm.
[h3]Effects / Animations[/h3]
[*]Added press [SPACE] icon to highlight when Players can activate the given power-up and to improve the overall rate of power-up usage
[*]Tweaked HP feedback colors to help differentiate low (<30%) / medium (<50%) / high (>70%) HP
[h3]Help / Tooltips[/h3]
[*]Added How to Play screen to Main Menu UI and Game Over UI
[*]Added tooltips to Power-Up UI
[*]Changed level order (memorythm_02 <-> memorythm_05) to optimize the learning curve of the game
[h3]QoL improvements[/h3]
[*]Improved HP feedback by aligning that to the center of the base
[*]Added SFX to base damage
[*]Added energy capsules earned quantity to Score Screen UI
If you have any issues or questions, please contact us on the [url=]Bass Defense Discord Server[/url] or via any platforms below.
[url=]Bass Defense Community Hub[/url]
[url=]Bass Defense Discord Server[/url]
[url=]WOMBEX Games YouTube channel[/url]
[url=]WOMBEX Games on X[/url]