Early access keys available

Go Home, Mr. Fisk!

Go Home, Mr. Fisk! is a challenging (im)precision platformer, where a single mistake may bring you all the way back to the beginning. Mr. Fisk must make his way up a mountain to get back home to his lake, but climbing is a challenge for a salmon not used to moving on dry land.

Go Home, Mr. Fisk! will be officially released in just five days, on 9.27.2021, but early access keys are available now for influencers on Keymailer: https://www.keymailer.co/g/games/132943 If you are interested in playing the game right away but are not an influencer, simply reach out to us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/klothscape) or through email (klothscape[at]gmail.com) and request a key.