Early Access has ended! Version 1.0 stable released

Ash and Tor: Yuma's Quest

Explore the dungeons and try to find and save the Queen Yuma... but wait: it's almost an impossible dungeon. And why? Because it's easy to say: you must move two knights at once!!! Are you ready to find and save tons of girls without dying?

The "Early Access" has ended! Version 1.0 stable released, here the changelog: VERSION 1.0 - STABLE MAJOR CHANGES - Early Access has ended! - Deep Dungeon is completed MINOR CHANGES - Ending the game will unlocks a new game start type - Added 'Golden Coins' to the game - Added 'chickens' (grants level up) for easy mode - Bosses hp bar repositioned in bottom position - Better recover from exhaust - Better shadows - Optimized animations - Some minor changes - Auto deactivate hints if you finish the game - Stage 18: Monsters do more damage - Translation error for Ash special - Dialogue variations for Ash and Tor - Cannot take S score if you don't kill all monsters - Special rewards prerequisites are changed - Stage 18 girl prerequisites are changed - At stage 18 boss is much easier to take a good score - Better screen dimming if holding ancient tarots BUG FIXES - Bug fix: Wrong damage applied for spikes - Bug fix: Duplicated item icon (Pendant of conversion/Ice Cloth) - Bug fix: Incorrect skin for switches - Bug fix: Frozen boss lowering too much the rank score - Bug fix: Library unreachable - Bug fix: Wrong reward slaying Jungle Boss - Bug fix: Invisible girl calls for help - Bug fix: Tor's special icon won't disappear correctly - Bug fix: Bag of coins icon was incorrect sometimes - Bug fix: Fullscreen issue - Bug fix: Switches issues about gates opening - Bug fix: Solved some bugs related to pressure plates - Bug fix: Fireballs issues on game pause - Bug fix: Hit miss on barrels - Bug fix: Missing Tor's Omnikey icon - Bug fix: Skeleton's layer