EA_v0.0.5 Patch Notes

Hello there, Shopkeepers! First of all, I'd like to express my gratitude for your support! Thank you for playing Cozy Keep and, most importantly, for taking the time to provide feedback, share your ideas, and participate in playtesting! Now, let's talk about this update! [h2][b]Farming[/b][/h2] Farming is an important part of the core gameplay loop. I've listened to your feedback, and here's what's new: [h3][b]New Items[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43378119/6ffa51bb5f1ac5fd6dde7837a1e5085720ecc580.png[/img] [h3][b]Faster Interaction with Planter Boxes[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43378119/63bf01035a51098662a654566aefd9add03903a1.png[/img] While having a UI to interact with the Planter Boxes is useful, it can become annoying—and even frustrating—as your number of Planter Boxes grows. Navigating the UI repeatedly to plant seeds or harvest crops can feel cumbersome. [h3]Note: The UI method is still available and isn't replaced by this new one! You can choose to use them based on your needs![/h3] From now on, you can simply equip Seeds, Water Bottles, or Water Buckets to your quick slots and use them by looking at a Planter Box and pressing the corresponding action key. Removing seeds and harvesting crops can now be done the same way. Additionally, you can examine the Planter Box directly to check details like water levels, seed growth, and more. [h2]The game should update the key bindings on its own but if it doesn't, you can bind them as you wish by going to Settings -> Keyboard/Controller [/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43378119/1ef8e52079314dbe4655ee0516b841f9b5ca85d3.png[/img] [h3][b]Watering Your Crops[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43378119/c423a99ad2f5e901ff15ea699f2ded63b5b08774.png[/img] Watering with a Water Bottle or Bucket works, but some of you suggested a faster option. Enter the Watering Can! The Watering Can can be crafted at the Crafting Table. You’ll only need one, as it allows you to water multiple Planter Boxes simultaneously. Its water capacity is also larger than that of bottles or buckets. To refill the Watering Can, simply walk through a river or use the Water Well near the Farming Land. [h3][b]Crops, Growth Time, and Yields[/b][/h3] All vegetables and crops in the game have been adjusted to add more challenge. Growth times now range from 1–3 days, with varying yields for each crop. [h3][b]Soil Fertilizer[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43378119/9133230281bcd28b54df45b38596160288ecfd8c.png[/img] To balance the updated growth times, I've added a new item: Fertilizer! You can apply Fertilizer to your Planter Boxes to increase the chance of harvesting more vegetables and crops. Each pack of Fertilizer lasts for three harvests per slot. You can craft Fertilizer by building a [b]Composter[/b] on your Farming Land and sacrificing some of your vegetables, fruits, or crops. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43378119/31fb0a77c6760b99a4febac524cdf158467c709c.png[/img] [h3][b]Seeds and the Seed Extraction Table[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43378119/07c6dd035424a32e1eef908246076a5c1c782c64.png[/img] Previously, getting seeds after harvesting crops was convenient, but it lacked challenge. Additionally, it didn’t allow for seed resale. Now, you can build a Seed Extraction Table to “sacrifice” some of your crops in exchange for seeds. These seeds can be replanted or sold. Don’t worry—maintaining a good stock of both seeds and crops will still be achievable. I’ll monitor your feedback and adjust the system to ensure it remains fair and fun. [h3][b]Scarecrow[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43378119/8b422639f338e8807674a6d1b7b1b234095b19ee.png[/img] Previously, a free Scarecrow was provided on the Farming Land, but not everyone appreciated this friendly figure. Some even called him “scary.” He has now retired, but he kindly left instructions on how to craft new Scarecrows. Why build a Scarecrow? To scare crows, of course! From now on, crows may occasionally steal your crops or planted seeds. The chance is small, but not zero—so watch out! [h3][b]More Planter Boxes[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43378119/27f589ae94bf825dd88f7c60d5a8c658dddf30fa.png[/img] New Planter Boxes with 5, 9, and 15 slots have been added, allowing you to grow even more crops. [h3][b]Fruits and Fruit Trees[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43378119/9d38782173a4dfb92f259a6e94087300e8d037a0.png[/img] One of the most requested features has arrived: Fruit Trees! You can plant Fruit Trees using a Shovel, and they can be placed anywhere on the map, just like regular trees. They take 3 days to fully grow for the first harvest. After that, each harvest takes an additional 3 days, with the tree remaining until it has yielded fruits three times. You can harvest fruits from a tree 3 times, after the 3rd harvest the tree will die. You can chop down Fruit Trees at any time. If they have fruits ready for harvest, you’ll still receive the fruits when chopping them down. [h3][b]Beehives[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43378119/3617725767e7213ff6d67f3986f8886f33b7a75d.png[/img] Two new types of Beehives have been added. Larger Beehives produce bigger yields. Building recipes have been updated to provide more of a challenge for your beekeeping journey. [h2][b]Changelog:[/b][/h2] [list] [*] Added blueberries and wild berries to the map. [*] Added mushrooms (poisonous and normal) to the mines. [*] Fixed stolen products not being interactable in some parts of the main path. [*] Fixed navigation issues with the Planter UI slots. [*] Fixed Beehives displaying the Pig icon on the map. [*] Fixed Planter Boxes consuming water even when no seeds were planted. [*] Fixed Planter Boxes not updating in real time. [*] Fixed Planter Boxes getting soft-locked if there was a delay in planting seeds. [*] Fixed players being able to delete trashcans while full, which caused cleanliness to get stuck at 99%. This fix should now allow you to reach 100% cleanliness if your game was bugged. [*] Fixed saplings not being placeable on tables. [*] Fixed tree stumps being stubborn and not saving correctly. This might have been caused by one of my previous updates but let's just say they were stubborn. [*] Fixed Thieves data not saving correctly in the Daily Sales Report [/list] Again, thank you for your feedback and support, and I apologize in advance for any issues or bugs you might encounter in your sessions!