Dynacat - Patch 1


Save Dynacat's home from the incoming army of robots in this fast-paced 3D platforming adventure. Dash to the goal, find all the secrets, defeat enemies and earn points by doing it all in style!

Dynacat's first major patch has been released, and we hope it will also be the last. This patch contains the following updates and fixes: [list] [*]The tutorial stage has been updated to display important information on how to play the game. New sections have been added to the tutorial stage to give gameplay examples. [*]The user interface elements have been updated to better support ultrawide (21:9 aspect ratio) monitors. We have not tested for 4:3 monitors and do not recommend using them. [*]The game now pauses when the window focus is lost. [*]The game now pauses when disconnecting the controller. [*]If the active controller is disconnected during gameplay and then reconnected, the game will continue using the reconnected controller. This feature may struggle to work if you're playing musical chairs with a lot of controllers. [*]We fixed an error in Spheron Orange where hitting the boss while tethered to an object would crash the game. [*]We fixed the extra life in Basalt Barrens 2, which did not add to the life counter when picked up. [*]We also fixed a variety of other small problems in different stages. [/list] We hope you will enjoy playing Dynacat a lot more with these new updates.