Druid New Hero Showcase!

Combo Card Clashers

Combo Card Clashers is a roguelike deckbuilder meets auto battler! Build massive combos by playing all cards each turn. Unlock powerful card synergies, recruit monsters to be your allies, upgrade gears and skills - give it all to brave through a mysterious world.

[h3]Hi guys,[/h3] I'm finishing up development on the 3rd hero Druid. Druid is a hero that relies on her powerful bear ally, and the wisdom attribute! This hero is more complex compared to the other heroes and requires a lot of strategy. Check out my playthrough here! [previewyoutube=nrL5MGuK0Mc;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Look forward to playing her with the full release - Wishlist the game! Your support will mean a lot to me![/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2054770/ [h3]You could also try the free prologue (Mage & Warrior characters available)[/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2668680/ Enjoy, Cam, Solo Dev of CCC