Combo Raid Update is LIVE!

Combo Card Clashers

Combo Card Clashers is a roguelike deckbuilder meets auto battler! Build massive combos by playing all cards each turn. Unlock powerful card synergies, recruit monsters to be your allies, upgrade gears and skills - give it all to brave through a mysterious world.

[h3]Hi Combo lovers![/h3] 🔊Combo Card Clashers is back with a major update! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42632282/c896fb4d91689560a89d8995a7c2e183d50a9e6b.jpg[/img] 🥁This "Combo Raid" update allows you to play bigger combos, and faster! [i]🤑The game will be 20% OFF in the upcoming summer sale (June 27 - July 11) - wishlist the game to receive notification![/i] [h3]📍Major Changes:[/h3] [list] [*] [b]New Game Mode: Energy Mode![/b] You can play multiple cards in one turn - combos take form much faster this way. Tell me which mode you prefer! [*] [b]New Crusader Hero with Blood Eagle companion![/b] Crusader gains mana by playing physical attacks - arrange your grid that works towards a tight-fit physical + magical combo! [*] 5 New Cards & 6 New Artifacts [*] 1 New Event [*] 6 New Achievements [/list] [h3]📍Bugs Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Pressing “Continue” repeatedly loads the game many times [*] Pressing Next on story shows loading bar many times [*] Save game after a boss will now save if you didn't move around in the next world [*] Quotations fixed in most story/events [*] Fixed Chaotic Flask, Chained Magic not having sounds sfx dampened by adjusting volume [*] Fixed gold can be negative [*] Fixed unit not giving death animation when dying from 1-2hp damage [*] Fixed Reroll gear/card not having increased cost with each attempt [/list] [h3]📍Improvements:[/h3] [list] [*] Artifact bar can be collapsed now so artifacts don't cover the UI [*] Improved End of Run EXP gain (more improvements coming later) [*] Lesser Heal (Healing Spells in general) is now affected by demon gloves [*] Bear Lifesteal ability -> 5->8% [*] Scroll speed increased on talent tree and world map [*] UI perspective shift on some menus to improve UI [*] UI window pop up animations improved a bit [/list] 🧵Don't hesitate to tell me what you think of the updated content! Your reviews and feedback will help steer the game's development in the future! Cam