Dragon and Home 1.0.31 Version Updates(EU Server)

Dragon And Home

Dragon and Home is a sandbox MMORPG where players can choose freely how they desire to play. Whether you want to play as a courageous adventurer, or you want to experience the tranquil rural lifestyles, growing plants, and feeding animals with your friends in the Homeland, you can find it all.

Time of Update:Nov 9, 2022 [h1][b]/ New Gamplay - Sail Boat / [/b][/h1] Everytime when you see the endless sea, don’t you wanna get to the other side of it and explore? With this new version, you may begin exploring the deepest ends of the sea! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/c0f66ab092bf7bebf50b73f50f86feeb2dfeb410.png[/img] [h2][b]1、How to Acquire a Sail Boat[/b][/h2] ①There is a new side quest [Man of Mystery] available at Breeze Plain. (You may obtain this quest from Captain Jack at the Fisherman’s Docks after completing main quest [Sakura’s Investigation Results]) Upon completion, you will unlock the achievement [Out to Sea!], and the crafting of simple sail boat. ②You can craft simple sail boat with certain materials at the crafting table. [h2][b]2、How to Sail[/b][/h2] You may place the sail boat onto any water surface at Breeze Plain or Chant Forest. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/cf83a40270bdcd5b934e297af32257954677784f.png[/img] Click [Embark], and prompts on sail boat control will appear to the rightside of your interface. [h2][b] 3、Adjusting the Speed of Your Sail Boat[/b][/h2] When you raise your sails, your boat will be affected by the wind. (The wind changes direction and strength according to time and weather) A captain needs to adjust the angle of your sail to change the direction and speed of travel. When your sail is at an optimal angle against teh wind, you may achieve the maximum sailing speed. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/58885247f084f36ba568315f7864e50b611acc60.gif[/img] You may observe the flag atop your mast to learn of wind direction and adjust accordingly. We wish you a full wind in the sails! Bon Voyage! [h2][b]4、Ships’s Capacity[/b][/h2] Simple sails boat may only have a max of 3 passengers at a time. *You risk of sinking by going above capacity. [h2][b]5、Durability Loss[/b][/h2] Sailing and collision will damage the sail boat’s durability. You cannot repair the boat after it has lost all of its durability. At that point, you just have to make a new one. [h1][b] / Marine Life Adjustments and Updates / [/b][/h1] [h2][b] 1、Underwater Chests[/b][/h2] Underwater chests will spawn at deep sea areas of Breeze Plain and Chant Forest. You may just find one if you’re lucky. Opening them grants you rough gemstone of related worlds and ocean coins. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/743fd99811937d428ffe15d585583335830729e7.png[/img] [h2][b]2、New Item - Rough Gemstone [/b][/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/1e1fcb1a8b8d2ebcbb449a8a327d4283630e07ed.png[/img] There are two types of rough gemstones, breeze plain and chant forest rough gemstones. They are obtained through opening related world’s underwater chests and using certain deep sea fish. You may craft soulstones which can be socketed on necklaces, rings, and acceosries from refining rough gemstones at the alchemy table. You may refine these soulstones. Every type of soulstones have three levels: green, blue, and purple. *Soulstones of the same name only change in stats, not their effects. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/ce733fd1f8b6eed8d16cc74ce38c00a42e594ab2.png[/img] [h2][b]3、New Currency - Ocean Coins[/b][/h2] Ocean coin is a new type of currency. You may exchange different themed furniture with ocean coins from Captain Jack at Fisherman’s Docks in Breeze Plain. [h2][b]4、Adjusted marine life distribution and borders of the two main worlds. [/b][/h2] You may not sail to the edge of the map with your naval vessel. [h1][b]/ Updated Energy System /[/b][/h1] [h2][b]1、New Energy System for short swords, archery, and mage weapons.[/b][/h2] In combat, energy reduction rate is slowed. Using certain abilities will cost energy. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/3867666c37645284b73495276b56fdc5bac8d923.png[/img] Hitting enemies with certain abilities will grant you energy. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/9e3481fcbb98de8488963e07702296cc83b944fc.png[/img] [h2][b]2、Adjustments to Abilities of All Major Professions[/b][/h2] [Warrior] · Canceled cooldown on shield bash and blocking, they now cost energy. · Great sword no longer level up automatically with a full energy gauge. You now need to level up through certain abilities. Energy slash · Finisher and Spirit Slash can level up your energy gauge after hitting a target. [Archer] Arrowrain charge time reduced, and cooldown increased by 10s. Retreating shot cooldown canceled, now it costs energy. [Wizard] Canceled cooldown for Flame Wreath, Ice Tempest, Hurricane, and Divine Wrath, they now cost energy to use. Canceled cooldown of Enhanced Attack, Healing, Shield, Enhanced Armor, Enhanced Element, and Enhanced Resistance. They now cost energy to use. [h1][b]/ Fixes and Adjustments / [/b][/h1] · Early main quests had their difficulty slightly lowered. · Fixed a bug related to player character movement distance under certain conditions. · Adjustment to elite monster spawns due to changes in Chant Forest map.