2.3.0 Version Update Announcement

Dragon And Home

Dragon and Home is a sandbox MMORPG where players can choose freely how they desire to play. Whether you want to play as a courageous adventurer, or you want to experience the tranquil rural lifestyles, growing plants, and feeding animals with your friends in the Homeland, you can find it all.

Update date: Dec 22.2023 Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way! The ceremonious Winter Fantasia is about to begin; let's celebrate together! [h2]Winter Star Celebration, heralding the Winter Fantasia[/h2] The Winter Star shines brightly in the northern sky, marking the annual Winter Star Festival. Dear adventurers, please immerse yourselves in the festive atmosphere. [b]Event Duration: From the day of the version update until 23:59 January 7th, 2024.(UTC+8)[/b] East US (UTC-5) 10:59 January 7th, 2024 West US(UTC -8) 7:59 January 7th, 2024 EU (UTC -0) 15:59 January 7th, 2024 [h3]Izan's Holiday Quests[/h3] To help adventurers better immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the Winter Star Festival, Izan has prepared numerous daily holiday quests. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/d8fd2efbdc538f242b527a21c0564fe583f7f9de.png[/img] [b]① Let's Share Delicious Gingerbread Together![/b] Take the quest 'Celebration and Sharing,' where you can receive a [u]gingerbread house[/u]. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/d48f2375718950212fe2e6924a19ca932dbbc867.png[/img] When using the item [i][gingerbread house][/i] on other player who in a begging emote, you can both receive and share delicious [i][gingerbread cookie][/i] together. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/2666e51e84d7d1c87c0aa377cd009b3f531523fe.png[/img] Using the gingerbread, there is a chance for you to wear a WinterStar hat on their head (Random color) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/1bba77284c67e5ca564dec6d283fb8c2892ae16c.png[/img] [b]②WinterStar Santa's Mysterious Messenger[/b] WinterStar Santa has prepared gifts and needs a reliable messenger to help him. “I choose you, Adventurer!” [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/e4e707a10f408ba179c78b53ffde6a51e9b8c293.png[/img] Hold the letter and click on the mailbox within another adventurer's home to complete the quests. Once completed, Winter Star Santa will send a festive mail to their mailboxes. [b]*The letter can only be used once per day in the same home[/b] When finish quest, you will receive [i][WinterStar Mystery Realm Ticket][/i] [i]*The WinterStar Realm Ticke[/i]t can also be exchanged daily at Izan's WinterStar Festival Shop. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/dff6d20c95100da879dc87cc42d41dbea2cbc38c.png[/img] [b]③ Kiss under the Mistletoe[/b] Interact with other player under the mistletoe (2players direct interact with the mistletoe) to complete the holiday quest 'Evergreen.' [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/d2ffc88bd519e2d9aa8776bfea3858344b19cd98.png[/img] [h3]Get Ready for Winter Star Stocking[/h3] Everyone is bustling about for the Winter Star Festival, running a series of errands for Izan, which allows you to receive generous rewards like Winter Star Stocking. Don’t forget to hang up the stocking; after WinterStar Eve, they will become[b] [filled WinterStar Stocking][/b] [b]*After the event, take down the sock won't yield any rewards.[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/61423c70ec4b62af145dd02908fb8af1a271e308.png[/img] After take down the [b][Filled Winter Star Stocking][/b], the rewards are as follows: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/b478630ae38e892f114b2f7358698d732d69d169.png[/img] [h3]Snow Giants Accompany You Through Winter Star[/h3] There was once a saying that the Krampus are usually sealed by the sun but they were break free from this seal during the WinterStar days to cause chaos. Adventurers, please team up and defeat the Krampus family and save the WinterStar! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/f8ed6bfbfd0ce184a7d54f0273ba9e53649774a9.png[/img] Find the Krampus youngling in the Normal realm near the WinterStar Tree at Breeze Plain village. You can enter once per day, and upon clearing the Krampus youngling, there's a chance to obtain exp, currency, and normal gears. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/1cde9f699a22289fcdb149ba463a89ee2f7f24f7.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/4fea09a8d0a00929625111cd2a6525f710bfd286.png[/img] Krampus in the Hard Realm can be found near the WinterStar tree at Chant Forest Snow Village. Each entry supports 1-5 people and requires one ticket. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/5c61be26d97e4cf276bb772966801b665bb7504d.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/0d0a39756add4c465635de3d0f97136a8756cf68.png[/img] Upon clearing Hard Krampus, there's a chance to obtain blue or purple gear such as the [u]WinterStar Staff [/u]and [u]WinterStar Tome[/u] [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/77ee2228f81ab0c659e62250e30438bf286683c0.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/2e19124f4c72af3b8dfe5ee13943c30d08ee48aa.png[/img][/url] [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/57ba06a8a31a6ec845ab5e43465d62771c11ff8e.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/4acd4d5e8935d3be64f170f7b952643b07923e84.png[/img][/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/4f0b75cdbe4de4cdd6be6422993d7dda73223534.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/f10507e34c9f43e59645d8a743a1aceb8818cdb6.png[/img] The Epic WinterStar staff has a higher chance of granting two new healing skills: [b]'Healing Chain' and 'Group Healing.'[/b] [b]Healing Chain:[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/405b127e622df8b3414e349e3a36f218c9bc7eac.gif[/img] [b]Group Healing:[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/686579555df8aaf02910e91dcae61a40af24d1ef.gif[/img] [h3]Decorate Your Winter Star Sweet Home[/h3] By collecting festive materials [b]mistletoe branches (obtained from clearing Winter Star Realms)[/b], you can craft various cute winterstar furniture at the Craft table! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/fff68218a0739302c2a428dabe56066a728c9414.png[/img] Crafting building materials requires unlocking [b]Carpenter II[/b]. The recipes can be exchanged at Izan's Winter Star Shop, requiring Winter Star currency - [b]Spruce Twigs [/b]- for exchange. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/b1ddb6edb00640a92b747bcd77ecdf53edeb409a.png[/img] Spruce Twigs can be obtained by completing event quests. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/a907d1a98ddb3df1f211295c0fd0f7b48331386b.png[/img] (Some rare furniture can be obtained through Winter Star Realms or exchanged in the WinterStar Festival Shop.) [b]New Winter Star Festival Furniture:[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/afa2e428d73663a513f4c611ba0169eb3fb3586d.png[/img] [b]Past Winter Star Festival furniture:[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/4bb9ee5c0c2617f0766b361ea3a4b69cd9bb5d75.png[/img] [h3]Exclusive Holiday Sailboat[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/081f5b65f768e01c961e672a3f0abe6e01f2f1af.png[/img] Three type of exclusive Winter Star Sailboats Reintroduced! Now can be craft through craft table. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/c46d892de6bbf4cedd1e39e6608a1ebc15c24be3.png[/img] You need to unlock the recipes, the recipe can be exchange at the Winter Star Festival shop. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/eab4f3e6f2bb78d54ccf2c8cf079569ef9a8ea49.png[/img] [h3]Cozy up in Style: New WinterStar Wardrobe Arrivals[/h3] [b]Winter Wishes and Cozy Fluffs[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/377b4d377208f4750ee75d89816b38077e205a4b.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/c2a5e82f04f2f6721c4b0743adb71854bc928751.png[/img] Last Winter Star Outfits Return for a Limited Time, team up with friends to match outfits! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/86261477f3d5308906839bafe0cb8dfcce6688cd.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/c76012cfa08289af52aeda81372a1c8067d15320.png[/img] [h3]World Chest[/h3] In every corner of the Breeze Plain and Chant Forest, there are randomly concealed chests of two different Level. Those who find the chest will receive generous rewards. [b]Superior Chest:[/b] [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/d880fe3d90db47692d400eae55c70c3e313c00fe.jpg][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/27f6b48b9f994b44f660e4a63badabc81ea859cb.jpg[/img][/url] [b]Normal chest:[/b] [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/979809cd0ea5bc377532f18e4f58349293e06452.jpg][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/1fde60670b5dc8598c274d776fd18b063b758aa0.jpg[/img][/url] [h3]Other optimizations and adjustments[/h3] [b]Content Optimization:[/b] 1. Introduce a new section for Ability quests, allowing for the initiation of side quests unlocking new features (such as Kite Flying, Dragon's Legacy, etc). 2. Add Wind Current to Outpost and Watchtower, now adventurers are able to reach the tops by using the kites. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40890470/069525cb55579d284342f6c94119d016e58dcb3d.png[/img] 3. Reduce the difficulty level of the Breeze Plain Quests. 4. Mystery Realm Difficulty Adjustments: Simplify mechanics across all difficulty levels in Breeze Plain and Chant Forest Realms; reduce the number of mobs in Normal difficulty. 5. Life Skills Adjustments: Life skills increase 1 point every 2 levels starting from level 10; Basic level I for Blacksmith, Tailoring, Hunting, and Alchemy no longer requires life skill points for learning. 6. Recipe Adjustments: Adjust materials number needed for beginner equipment recipes; Add Breeze Plain Kite; adjust the number of materials needed for the Kite; add a recipe for 'Expired Food.' 7. Auto-Equip Tool: After update, mining, gathering, and tree chopping will automatically equip tools from the backpack if no tools are equipped. 8. Addition of Private Events and Increased seed drop rate [b]Bug Fixes:[/b] Rectify the bug causing irregular jumping height during the double jump while riding mounts in specific states.