Doodler 1.2.0 Brings Major Updates and Fixes


Create, Play, Share! Doodler is a puzzle platformer with a powerful map editor and workshop support that allows you to create levels to share with the world!

Hello Everyone! We are happy to announce the Doodler 1.2.0 Update. This update will contain several new Features and Bug fixes. [h1]Features[/h1] [list] [*]Added sun rays in Child and Adult levels [img][/img] [*]Added dust in Teen and Elder levels [img][/img] [*]Added Win animation. [img][/img] [*]Added 3D sound to reduce noise pollution [*]Bounce Block will no longer play multiple sounds when player dies on it [*]Added Eraser turn SFX [*]Added shrink effect when erasers turn around [*]Erasers will now look the direction they are moving (left\right) [*]Added SFX to eraser launcher when shooting [*]Added SFX to eraser heads from launcher on impact [*]Added grow effect when eraser launcher shoot [*]Added delay to eraser launcher if the erase head hits within 0.5 seconds (reduce noise and awkward animation) [*]Normalized volume of all lose and win SFX [*]Added Click SFX to most buttons [*]Added grow effect to buttons in editor [*]Changed the fullscreen button's hitbox to be the checkbox instead of the text [*]Physics Boxes now have voices [*]Physics Boxes will now look at you when in range [/list] [h1]Bug Fixes[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed a bug that caused the following to not work when steam was offline [list] [*]Jumping [*]Death [*]Launching the game on a certain day [*]loading levels 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 4-27 [*]Uploading a level to the steam workshop [*]Running the game for longer than 1 hour [/list] [*]Fixed Teen box appearing as Adult box [img][/img] [/list] Enjoy - SolarByte