Dither options

[h1]Dither[/h1] added options to 2x2 3x3 4x4 8x8 or blue noise dither the gradient between the color bands [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42338613/1f8a31a39817ff98b4bc8aec35ba4f6600b90b0b.gif[/img] hopefully this will give some more options with shading and help with getting them retro ps1 style renders [h1]Misc[/h1] Should handle being launched outside of steam better now but because of the way im handling the hooks I cant tell until its live so might need tweaking. [h1]Workshop[/h1] Added some more brushes to workshop, check recent below to see if anything catches your eye :) https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=1976160&browsesort=mostrecent§ion=readytouseitems